Florida Gov. DeSantis Announces $6.1 Million To Support Workforce Education In Hernando County


Florida Gov. DeSantis Announces $6.1 Million To Support Workforce Education In Hernando County

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced more than $6.1 million is being awarded to Hernando County through the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund for the development of an 18-acre site where Pasco Hernando State College and Suncoast Technical Education Center will build additional campuses and provide new workforce training programs for residents.

The training offered at the new campuses will focus on skills related to targeted industries, including manufacturing, professional services, aviation, and medical and diagnostic laboratories, which will help create job opportunities for residents of small and rural communities.

Governor DeSantis made the announcement at American Aviation, a local company that has supported the project and will serve a pivotal role in providing training for students who want to pursue aviation.

Over the past week, Governor DeSantis has announced nearly $15 million for workforce education programs through the Job Growth Grant Fund.

“The more that we invest in workforce education, the more we see companies moving to our state because they know they will have access to a talent pool unlike any other state in the nation. Today, I was proud to award $6.1 million for workforce education programs to expand opportunities in Hernando County,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Once this project is complete, students will be able to enroll in training at two workforce education institutions, creating great job prospects for young people in this rural community. Over the last few weeks, we have invested nearly $15 million into workforce education out of the Job Growth Grant Fund, and we will continue to invest in this important education campaign.”

“I commend Governor DeSantis for his unyielding commitment to improving workforce training and infrastructure in Florida,” said Dane Eagle, Secretary of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO)“Through the development of Hernando County’s new center, Floridians will have more opportunities to access job trainings that will greatly impact their future careers.”

The Florida Job Growth Grant Fund is an economic development program designed to promote public infrastructure and workforce training across the state. Proposals are reviewed by DEO and EFI and chosen by the Governor to meet the demands for workforce training or infrastructure needs in communities around the state.

In 2020-21, $74 million in awards are available for projects that focus on rapidly developing a highly-skilled workforce and on infrastructure initiatives that attract businesses, create jobs, and promote economic growth. DEO and EFI are currently accepting proposals.

For more information, click here

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