Dr. John Littell

Florida Doctor Fights Back Against Professional Sanctions For Prescribing Ivermectin For COVID

Dr John Littell
Dr. John Littell testifies before the SMH Committee on Covid Protocols. (Screengrab From Chris Nelson, Twitter)

The American Board of Family Medicine recently stripped the certification of a Central Florida doctor for prescribing ivermectin to thousands of his COVID-19 patients.

Now, Dr. John Littell’s supporters have responded by donating nearly a quarter-million dollars to his legal defense fund, as he prepares to fight to get his certification back.

According to an account of Littell’s story on the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo, Littell, a former U.S. Army doctor and a family physician, prescribed ivermectin to more than 3,000 patients diagnosed with COVID.

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The ABFM apparently disagreed with his protocols, and withdrew its recognition of Littell, a member of the group for 33 years.

“I got disciplined for giving ivermectin, which got a young mom out of the hospital in three days when she would have died,” Littell said outside a meeting of the Sarasota Memorial Hospital Board.

The ABFM reportedly issued Littell a letter, written by “Professional Specialist” Andrea Back, who asserted Littell violated the group’s guidelines.

Those included provisions related to “competence,” “a commitment to lifelong learning,” “honesty with the public,” and “refraining from disruptive behavior in a healthcare environment,” according to GiveSendGo.

Back also accused Littell of making “false and misleading claims” about ivermectin on his Rumble channel and his website.

But the doctor’s supporters are rallying around him.

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As of Monday, his GiveSendGo account has raised nearly $224,000.

As The Free Press has reported, liberals and the left-wing medical establishment widely trashed ivermectin as a potential treatment for the virus during the pandemic.

They did so after the Biden administration, in particular the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ripped it for being ineffective.

For example, in August 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN, “Don’t do it; there’s no evidence whatsoever that it works and it could potentially have toxicity.”

Some people, Fauci claimed, “have gone to poison control centers because they’ve taken the drug at a ridiculous dose and wind up getting sick. There’s no clinical evidence that indicates that this works.”

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Leftist critics also ridiculed those who were willing to prescribe or take ivermectin by labeling it a livestock medicine.

Biden’s FDA, for instance, said of taking ivermectin on social media, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

The agency later added, “Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.”

The FDA also flatly said “no” under a Q&Q webpage about the drug’s use for COVID.

But then stories emerged that people took ivermectin and recovered or were no worse off. Both podcaster Joe Rogan and then-Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers admitted they took ivermectin to fight off the effects of the virus.

In a widely viewed interview Rogan did with CNN’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta admitted to Rogan that his own network “shouldn’t have said that” when some of its anchors ridiculed Rogan for treating COVID with a “horse dewormer.”

Rogan had previously said he was prescribed the drug by a doctor, and correctly pointed out that ivermectin had won a Nobel Prize.

As The Free Press has noted, the Nobel committee in 2015 presented the award to researchers who gave ivermectin, which in one usage is an anti-parasitic drug given to livestock, to people in Africa to fight parasitic-driven diseases.

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The Nobel announcement noted that because of ivermectin, those diseases were “on the verge of eradication, which would be a major feat in the medical history of humankind.”

The Free Press also reported in November how the FDA backed away from its hardline stance on Ivermectin.

Three doctors sued the agency claiming its campaign against ivermectin interfered with their ability to treat their patients. In court records, the FDA claimed that its previous public statements condemning the drug were neither “directives” nor “mandatory,” but instead were only “recommendations.”

In his case, Dr. Littell, who has practices in Ocala and Kissimmee, faces additional discipline from the ABFM.

The organization said it had determined that Littell’s “Public Channels contain false, inaccurate and misleading statements constituting health misinformation and disinformation about COVID-19, the COVID-19 vaccine, and the effort of public health officials to address the COVID-19 pandemic through vaccination and other mitigation measures.”

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For example, the group cited Littell for calling the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines a “product of genetic engineering,” and for asserting that the vaccine is causing the deaths of children.

Back, the group’s professional standards enforcer, wrote to Littell, “There is no evidence that pediatric myocarditis deaths, attributed to COVID vaccination, are more numerous than prevented deaths, serious illness, or hospitalizations from COVID.”

As the GiveSendGo article noted, “Back does not deny the Covid vaccine is causing myocarditis in children but downplays it in her letter.”

In the letter, she admitted that the myocarditis “caused by COVID vaccination is mild and not associated with fatalities.”

In response, Littell told The Floridian, “Are they going to decertify Dr. [Joseph] Ladapo?”

Ladapo, Florida’s surgeon general, has recommended against giving the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to children and to young men between 18 and 39 because of a potential increased risk of heart-related fatalities.

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