Florida Democrat Crist’s Running Mate, Karla Hernandez, Tries To Run From Her Past


Florida Democrat Crist’s Running Mate, Karla Hernandez, Tries To Run From Her Past

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign is teaching his Democratic opponent that the internet lives forever.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign is teaching his Democratic opponent that the internet lives forever.

Democratic Rep. Charlie Crist’s running mate, Karla Hernandez, head of the teachers’ union in Miami, one of the biggest in the nation, seems conflicted about how she felt about the death of communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.

Fortunately, Christina Pushaw, spokeswoman for the Republican incumbent, was there to help her on Tuesday.

At issue is a tweet Hernandez offered when Castro died in 2016 began circulating on Twitter.

As the account DeSantis War Room posted on Aug. 26, Hernandez at the time wrote, “A political figure dies at 90. Most in Miami rejoice many in Cuba mourn #FidelCastro.”

The next day, DeSantis War Room posted a tweet of a truck in Hialeah sporting a digital billboard of Hernandez’s tweet. “In Hialeah this morning,” the account noted, local residents are protesting Charlie Crist’s choice of Castro regime-sympathizer teacher union boss Karla Hernandez Mats as his running mate. #KarlaMarx”

Apparently, pointing out Hernandez’s sympathy for the deceased tyrant in South Florida was gaining traction. Hernandez then deleted the tweet.

On Tuesday, she responded with an explanation.

“I proudly celebrated Fidel’s death, banging on pots and pans in the streets of Hialeah with my neighbors,” she tweeted Tuesday night. “It was heartbreaking that after decades of oppression, the Cuban people were forced to mourn the death of a tyrant.”

But as respondents noted, she clearly didn’t say those Cubans “were forced” to lament the death of the Western Hemisphere’s longest-serving tyrant.

Pushaw then offered some thoughts.

“Poor attempt at gaslighting. You didn’t say Cubans were ‘FORCED to mourn the death of a tyrant.’ You said that Cubans ‘mourned’ ‘a political figure,’” she tweeted in reply.

“You can try to spin it however you want 6 years later, but nobody is buying it. You’re sorry you got caught. #KarlaMarx.”

Pushaw then added, “#KarlaMarx said something outrageous in 2016. She should’ve owned up to it & apologized. She isn’t Cuban; she could’ve claimed she was just ignorant of the situation there. People might forgive her. But now she’s doubling down & spinning to defend her tweet – only makes it worse!”

When another user pointed out that Hernandez’s attempt to explain herself was bogus because it took more than a week to come up with a response, Pushaw added, “Yup. @DeSantisWarRoom did more vetting of #KarlaMarx in 4 hours than Charlie Crist’s campaign did before announcing her as his running mate.”

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Free Press.

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