Florida Could Be Next In The Crosshairs Of Woke Corporations


Florida Could Be Next In The Crosshairs Of Woke Corporations

If The Washington Post is to be believed, Florida could be high on the list of targets for corporate America’s wokeism.

In two separate stories, in recent days, the Post has detailed efforts, some emanating from America’s most powerful boardrooms, to ensure that states, especially those governed by Republicans, such as Florida, cannot ensure the integrity of future elections.

Per the Post on Sunday, “More than 100 chief executives and corporate leaders gathered online Saturday to discuss taking new action to combat the controversial state voting bills being considered across the country, including the one recently signed into law in Georgia.”

“Executives from major airlines, retailers, and manufacturers — plus at least one NFL owner — talked about potential ways to show they opposed the legislation, including by halting donations to politicians who support the bills and even delaying investments in states that pass the restrictive measures,” the Post added, noting this particular meeting was led by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a management professor at Yale University, who presumably has taken it upon himself to dictate how all Americans will vote.

Related News: Canceled: Woke-A-Cola Is Out In Some GOP Offices In Georgia

“While no final steps were agreed upon, the meeting represents an aggressive dialing up of corporate America’s stand against controversial voting measures nationwide, a sign that their opposition to the laws didn’t end with the fight against the Georgia legislation passed in March.”

Some of the CEOs and corporate leaders involved included execs from Delta, American, United, Starbucks, Target, LinkedIn, Levi Strauss and Boston Consulting Group, along with Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank. Sonnenfeld told the Post that the meeting indicated that “they are not intimidated by the flak. They are not going to be cowed. They felt very strongly that these voting restrictions are based on a flawed premise and are dangerous.”

The Post discussed some of these “restrictive” measures, such as states eliminating “drop-boxes,” allegedly secure devices created during a pandemic that will largely be controlled by the 2022 elections.

The Post, of course, did not report on the fact that Georgia’s retooled voting law was actually more expansive than those in blue states, such as New York and President Joe Biden’s own Delaware.

Nor did the Post mention that in recent elections, such as the last two cycles, black voters have turned out in record numbers, surpassed only by Barack Obama’s first appearance on the presidential ballot in 2008.

Nonetheless, in a second story on Monday, the Post pointed out, “The conflagration in Georgia has spread into other states such as Texas, Florida, Michigan, and Arizona, where both business interests and voting rights activists buoyed by newfound momentum are rethinking how to challenge GOP-backed voting measures.”

Meanwhile, although the second Post piece did point out that Georgia’s law was more expansive in some respects and that both Biden and Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock lied about some of its provisions, the paper keeps spreading its own fictions – such as the racist implication that black voters somehow cannot get identification and that somehow some group of voters, particularly black voters, are being denied access to polling places.

As an example of what the Post is talking about for Florida, the left-wing Florida Phoenix website earlier this month published a story about GOP efforts to boost election integrity in Florida, and that liberal activists openly lamented when corporations would do as they did in Georgia.   

For instance, the Phoenix noted, “In Florida, Republican-led election changes would restrict mail-in balloting, curtail or eliminate the use of ballot drop boxes, and outlaw use of out-of-state funding to promote voting, among other things. 

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