Activist group that exposed Dr. Fauci’s ghastly beagle research says it was being set up for a smear job by the liberal media

Fauci Funded Tortuous Beagle Research, According To His Critics, Google Helped Shield Him From Exposure

Big Tech has worked overtime to protect Dr. Anthony Fauci – trumpeting his every pronouncement as if it were the Gospel and censoring and blackballing his critics – whether they smacked around the federal government’s highest-paid employee over masking, lockdowns, social distancing, vaccines, therapeutics, or the Wuhan lab leak theory.

It’s possible, albeit still unlikely, the beagles could be Fauci’s undoing.

News broke recently that Fauci oversaw the funding of experiments involving beagles that included cutting the canines’ vocal cords so researchers wouldn’t have to listen to them howl in agony as sand flies gnawed on their skulls.

The revelation has revived a story about Fauci and his digital guardians that failed to gain traction.

Two months ago the White Coat Waste Project, or WCW, which studies frivolous spending on medical research, noted that it tried to run an ad on Google about what it called Fauci’s “unnecessary and cruel” beagle project.

“Taxpayers have a right to know how our money is being spent,” the WCW argued in a blog post.

Google, however, did not see it that way.

The group’s ads described how Fauci’s agency spent $424,000 on experiments that entailed beagles being “eaten alive” or “bitten to death.”

“Almost immediately,” the group said on its blog in August, “Google took down the ads, suspended our account, and has refused to provide an explanation.”

“Apparently, Google doesn’t want us criticizing ‘America’s Doctor’ for funding the abuse of beagles with our tax dollars in experiments opposed by most Americans.”

The scandal grew new legs in early October when WCW posted documents that showed Fauci actually spent almost $1.7 million on beagle research that the FDA said it did not need.

In more recent days, a diverse collection of Fauci critics, including Republicans on Capitol Hill and the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has begun demanding answers.

The more recent report led WCW to revisit its feud with Google.

In an Oct. 15 column on the website of the conservative group American Greatness, Devin Murphy, WCW’s public policy manager, noted, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant, but apparently, Google wants to keep Fauci and NIAID’s [the National Institute for Allergic and Infectious Diseases] work deep in the shadows. Our ads were blocked, with no reason given. Then, perhaps because any hint of Fauci apostasy is utterly unforgivable in Silicon Valley, Google indefinitely suspended our advertising account. Once again, no reason was given. …”

“We weren’t spreading misinformation, disinformation, or even ‘alternate facts.’” Murphy continued. “The information obtained is genuine, accurate, and comes directly from NIAID itself.”

“This isn’t the first time Google has insulated Fauci from scrutiny over troublesome animal testing. The company was already busted for suppressing search results about dangerous coronavirus experiments on animals in Wuhan that were funded by Fauci, and which many experts in the scientific and intelligence communities — and a majority of Americans — believe caused the pandemic via a lab leak,” Murphy concluded.

“Sadly, instead of providing a neutral public square for information and discussion, Google (and its de facto monopoly on internet advertisements) are running interference for the nation’s highest-paid government employee, and shielding taxpayers from accurate information about how the government is wasting their money to abuse animals in disturbing, dangerous, and unnecessary experiments,” Murphy added.

“Frankly, that’s un-American.”

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