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Entrex Carbon Market update on Nevada, OTC Markets and Uplisting

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Stephen H. Watkins - CEO of Entrex Carbon Market

Stephen H. Watkins – CEO of Entrex


With Nevada, OTC and our Audit & Legal Opinion behind us, we will promptly launch our initiatives to up list to an appropriate market”

— Stephen H. Watkins

BOCA RATON, FL, USA, May 18, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Entrex Carbon Market today announces the engagement of Registered Agent, Inc. to serve as its new registered agent in Nevada.

“Registered Agent helps bring the company forward and compliant for the State of Nevada”, said Stephen H. Watkins CEO of the Entrex Carbon Market. “The prior agent resigned due to challenges of the old management regime. The team at Registered Agent Inc offers a modern solution to an archaic industry serving foreign corporations of the state. We are happy to report all Nevada compliance should be finalized and filed imminently to bring us current.”

“With the Nevada behind us, we will focus on updating OTCMarkets which unfortunately appears to have been equally challenged by the prior regime There is a lot to do to get all this cleaned up; inclusive of change of control, transfer agent engagement etc. which takes time, money and resources”, Watkins continued.

“Our desire is to have this all behind us in May; but based on what I’m being told, between OTC approvals and the time and resources to make appropriate updates, the final qualification for being “current”, in the opinion of OTC Markets, could move into June if all goes well. We can only commit to do what we can based on the challenges we face.”

“In the interim, pending getting the OTCMarkets in order and fully compliant, we’re working with PCAOB auditors to expedite audited financials while assembling appropriate resources for a proper legal opinion.”

“All this is in the works and takes time to assemble a proper foundation to allow us to be prepared to up-list to an appropriate market. We believe our Revenue, EBITDA and Balance Sheet, once documented by outside auditors, will be sufficient to allow an up-listing in short order” continued Watkins

About Entrex:

Entrex Carbon Market offers a leading marketplace to find, research, track, manage and trade institutional voluntary carbon offset securities. Entrex offers institutional buyers access to quantified and qualified carbon offsets to help corporate buyers manage their carbon footprint. Through our patent pending “CO/SETT” security companies can move carbon offset annual expense to a tradable annual carbon offset dividend asset – neutralizing their profit and loss statement while neutralizing their carbon footprint. www.entrexcarbonmarket.com

For further information: Stephen H. Watkins, CEO, Entrex Carbon Market, (561) 465-7580

Stephen Watkins
Entrex Holding Company
+1 954-856-6659
email us here
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