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Dra. Yily De Los Santos Discusses 4 Major Things to Consider Before Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgeon Dra. Yily De Los Santos recently discussed four major things to consider before plastic surgery.

MIAMI, FL, UNITED STATES, December 4, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — Plastic surgery isn't for everyone. Dra. Yily De Los Santos is an aesthetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon with decades of experience, and she urges her clients to thoroughly consider several aspects of plastic surgery before committing. The following are four major things she urges everyone to consider before seeking surgery.

"Anyone considering plastic surgery should enter with realistic expectations," Dra. Yily De Los Santos said. "So many times, patients enter the office of a plastic surgeon expecting to look perfect following surgery. However, all people have varying anatomical characteristics, and these can greatly affect the outcome of the surgery."

Dra. Yily De Los Santos explained that every person is unique; therefore, the results of plastic surgery are unique to each client. She added that other factors, like age, healing capacity, and lifestyle habits can have a major effect on how effective the surgery is. Dra. Yily De Los Santos stated that certain habits, like smoking or sunbathing, can alter the elasticity of the skin, causing results to vary.

"I urge my clients to choose more than a single 'wish' picture," Dra. Yily De Los Santos said. "It's important to view multiple before and after photos of those who have undergone similar surgery. Choose photos of people with bodies similar to yours to gain a better idea of how you will appear after surgery."

Dra. Yily De Los Santos added that anyone pursuing plastic surgery should consider how much time they will need to heal. You may need to take additional time off work or may need additional surgeries to receive your desired results. Healing takes time, and its important to be realistic about how much time you'll need to rest and recover. Dra. Yily De Los Santos suggests planning your plastic surgery during downtime and not near any major events, like vacations or weddings.

"Plastic surgery is not an area in which you should skimp," Dra. Yily De Los Santos said. "It's an industry in which you get what you pay for, and an under-qualified doctor can cause major problems."

Dra. Yily De Los Santos explained that it's essential to consider your doctor's qualifications before receiving plastic surgery. Many doctors will claim that they are cosmetic physicians; although, they have not completed an accredited cosmetic surgery training program. Always ask your surgeon for accreditation, his or her experience with your specific procedure, and photos of previous work.

"Finally, I urge my clients to consider if plastic surgery is something they really want," Dra. Yily De Los Santos said. "Many times, people are urged to undergo plastic surgery by their partners, friends, or other family members. Plastic surgery is something you should do for yourself and not for anyone else."

Caroline Hunter
Web Presence, LLC
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