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Does Your Family Understand Your Wishes For Your Burial? Ashley Crispin Ackal Explains Why It Matters

Photo of Ashley Crispin

Ashley Crispin Ackal Knows That These Difficult Conversations Are Worth It – Here's Why

PALM BEACH, FL, UNITED STATES, November 18, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — Logically, we all know that everyone is going to die eventually, but that doesn't make it any easier to talk about end of life plans with friends and family members. While talking to your loved ones about your wishes after you pass can be uncomfortable, doing so can save them from devastating stress and disagreements with one another down the line.

First things first: you need to decide what you want, according to Ashley Crispin Ackal. Get comfortable with the idea of talking about end of life plans by browsing different options, and thinking about funerals and end of life celebrations you've attended in the past.

Ashley Crispin Ackal of O'Connell Crispin Ackal of West Palm Beach recommends writing down exactly what you want for your burial and end of life plans before having a conversation with your family members. This way, if the conversation becomes difficult or something goes unsaid, your loved ones will have exactly what you want in writing after you pass. You'll also be able to ballpark how much your burial plans are going to cost. If you choose, you can set some money aside so that your family will have it available for your end of life plans.

Next, Ashley Crispin Ackal of O'Connell & Crispin Ackal PLLC says that you should decide exactly who needs to know your end of life plans. If this is something you want to share with your entire family, that's fantastic. If you're more comfortable just sharing with one of your children or another close relative, that's fine too, according to Ashley Crispin Ackal. It's key that you share with more than one family member. If you choose to only share with one person and something happens to them, your wishes may go unknown to the rest of the family, according to Ashley Crispin Ackal.

Let your loved one(s) know that you understand that this conversation is difficult and uncomfortable, but it's important for them to know what you want after you pass. Be prepared for your loved ones to brush off the conversation or try to change the subject, Ashley Crispin Ackal says. It may take several attempts of talking to your loved ones before they feel comfortable enough to have the discussion with you. Ashley Crispin Ackal encourages you to remember that they're not brushing you off because they don't care – they're brushing off the conversation because the thought of losing you is painful.

Caroline Hunter
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