DermaCareBio EasyRapidNOW ™ Aids White House, Helping to Prevent Spread of COVID through Surveillance Testing at Schools

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DermaCareBio EasyRapidNOW ™ Aids White House, Helping to Prevent Spread of COVID through Surveillance Testing at Schools

Surveillance Testing for Schools with Easy Rapid Now™

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Surveillance Testing is Key in Helping to Prevent the Spread of the COVID Virus

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Easy Rapid Now™ is Available for Surveillance Testing

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Surveillance Testing Kit Contents Easy Rapid Now™

DermaCare BioScience Easy Rapid Now™ Available to Aid White House Initiative in Helping to Prevent Spread of COVID Virus through Surveillance Testing at Schools

EasyRapidNow ™ enables schools, particularly elementary schools with large populations of unvaccinated children, to routinely test kids, teachers and staff to identify possible virus breakouts.”

— Rich Butler, Managing Director

DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, November 11, 2021 / — The Biden administration is launching a new effort with The Rockefeller Foundation to encourage schools throughout the country to set up Surveillance COVID testing for students, teachers and staff.

The effort, which will be led by the Education Department and Centers for Disease Control, comes months after President Biden pledged $10 billion for surveillance testing by schools.

“The idea is that school districts around the country, particularly elementary schools with large populations of unvaccinated children, would routinely test kids, teachers and other staff for COVID-19 to help understand the disease prevalence and the spread of the virus”, said DermaCare BioSciences Managing Director, Rich Butler.

“Surveillance tests detect the level of infection in a population and must not be used to diagnose an individual patient,”, Butler goes on to say,
“Because the tests are not intended for individual diagnostic purposes, and accordingly do not fall under FDA’s jurisdiction, we strongly encourage individuals to use other FDA-authorized, cleared or approved medical devices for any such diagnostic testing. That said, Easy Rapid Now ™ remains a
viable option for epidemiologic surveillance use. Other FDA EUA Antigen Tests may be found at:".

Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 includes ongoing systematic activities, including collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data that are essential to planning, implementing, and evaluating public health practices and programs.

Surveillance testing is generally used to monitor for a community- or population-level occurrence, such as an infectious disease outbreak, or to characterize the occurrence once detected, such as looking at the incidence and prevalence of the occurrence.

Surveillance testing is used to gain information at a population level, rather than an individual level, and results of surveillance testing can be returned in aggregate to the requesting institution.

As stated earlier, Surveillance is not intended to diagnose a disease in an individual but identifies the occurrence of infection within a population without reference to the infectious status of the individuals in that population. No diagnosis or treatment decision is made for any individual in that population.

“Easy Rapid Now™ is by far the least expensive rapid COVID test available for schools, universities and businesses, and other defined populations,” said Butler, “and we generally do not have the same supply chain issues that many of the tests that are authorized by FDA for emergency use are presently experiencing.”

Easy Rapid NOW™ has European Commission (CE) and World Health Organization (WHO) Certification, comes packed 5 tests per kit and is in stock in South Florida. Shipments are usually within 48 hours from receipt order and payment, subject to shipping delays created by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.”.

About Dermacare BioSciences:

Dermacare Biosciences is a wholly owned division of Dermacare Packaging & Private Label, LLC, based in South Florida. They are the manufacturers of
Easy Rapid Now™ Covid Nasal Swab Antigen Test Kits, the leading Surveillance Rapid Covid Test used by corporations, universities, health care departments & more.

In addition, they have distribution arrangements with other leading brands of FDA Emergency Use Authorized Covid Rapid Nasal Swab Antigen tests that are for POC or OTC use.

They are a supplier member of SAGE and PPAI since 1989.

To learn more, contact: or call 1-833-DERMUSA 833-337-6872

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Rich Butler
DermaCare Packaging & Private Label
+1 561-818-9105
email us here


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