Democratic Lawyer Who Undermined Trump Cries Foul About Tainted Election


Democratic Lawyer Who Undermined Trump Cries Foul About Tainted Election

For weeks on end, even long before the tragic Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, President Donald Trump and other Republicans who voiced their “baseless,” “unfounded” and “conspiratorial” theories that the election was rigged were denounced as traitors.

One main complaint was that voting machines made by a company called Dominion Voting Systems were at best unreliable, or at worst rigged, to deny Trump’s re-election. 

How dare they raise the issue of election irregularities, file multiple lawsuits in numerous states, and challenge Joe Biden’s win, argued liberals, and even a few milquetoast anti-Trump conservatives, who only months earlier, accused Trump of trying to steal the election by removing and warehousing mailboxes so people could not vote by mail.

For its part, Dominion is now suing everyone in sight.

But as we also now see, such rules only apply to conservatives.

On Friday, a New York state judge settled the last remaining congressional race – three months after Election Day.

After months of considerable legal wrangling, the judge determined that Republican Claudia Tenney defeated incumbent Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi by 109 votes.

According to Ballotpedia, the judge’s decision means the GOP flipped 15 House seats in the election – which punctures the mainstream media narrative that voters everywhere welcome Democrats as saviors and masters.

But there is a caveat with this New York race.

Brindisi’s lawyer, a prominent Democrat, named Marc Elias, claims that his client lost because of – you guessed it – junk voting machines.

According to Breitbart News, Elias maintained in a court filing this week that the election was marred by “substantial errors and irregularities.”

“Elias argued that the error rate, extrapolated across the entire district, could mean that thousands of votes were improperly counted by the machines,” Breitbart added. “He also complained about procedural faults with the conduct of the voting process, alleging failures to comply with New York State election law” – interestingly, just as Team Trump did in Pennsylvania.

That observation alluded to Elias’s best example of monkey business at the polls.

In one county, which conducted three recounts, a total of nine votes changed in Brindisi’s favor. If that error rate were the same across all 325,000-plus votes, Elias argued in court documents, his client would likely prevail since the discrepancy “appears to disproportionately affect Brindisi.”

In documents, he also maintained, “That discrepancies between the number of votes cast and the number of votes tabulated have been pervasive in the counting of ballots for this race made itself undeniably evident on multiple occasions.”

He added: “In this case, there is reason to believe that voting tabulation machines misread hundreds if not thousands (emphasis original) of valid votes as undervotes, … and that these tabulation machine errors disproportionately affected Brindisi.” He also pointed out that one county admitted that “its tabulation machines were not tested and calibrated in the days leading up to the November 3, 2020, General Election as required by state law and necessary to ensure that the counts generated by tabulation machines are accurate.”

Some of us are old enough to remember – like a month ago – that it was un-American, if not traitorous, to dispute election results or claim they were faulty.

The irony of this situation is likely lost on many people, and it has little to do with the most recent election. It actually goes back years.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton hired Elias and his firm, who in turn hired a political intelligence outfit called Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump. And where did Fusion get its info? In turn, it hired a former British spy named Christopher Steele, who gathered info, as unverified as it was sensational, from sources in the Kremlin.

Steele’s findings formed the infamous “dossier” that had more holes than a kitchen colander, yet which became the foundation of Democrats’ claims that Trump was in Vladimir Putin’s hip pocket, and the basis of an FBI investigation that spied on Trump’s campaign — and ultimately destroyed Trump’s legitimacy in the minds of many liberals, thus tearing the nation apart.

In short, Hillary, with Elias’s help, played six degrees of Vladimir Putin to tarnish Trump, then joined the chorus that Trump colluded with Russians.

Thus, Elias’s current claims that his client lost because of a ‘trumped-up’ election – pardon the pun – is indeed a rich irony on many levels.

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