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David Rosen Galleries presents Art Basel 2021 with Domingo Zapata, Sebastian Castella, Jacob Vilato, Missoni and others.

David Rosen Galleries Art Basel 2021

David Rosen Gallery presents Zpata's Art House December 1-5 Miami Beach Florida.

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, November 26, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Every year, Miami gears up for art the first week of December at Art Basel, one of the most important art fairs in the world, with hundreds of galleries and exhibits.

The prestigious David Rosen Galleriey, curated by the visionary and multifaceted real estate investor David Rosen, presents from December 1 to 5, the famous Spanish Artist Domingo Zapata. Zapata has painted the largest mural in history in Times Square New York, made a documentary of his life with his friend and artist Jordi Molla, painted with the Pope, launched his own line at New York Fashion Week, painted with stars like Alejandro Sanz. No wonder why every one in the art world is talking about Domingo Zapata. Leonardo Di Caprio, George Soros, Diana Picasso (Picasso's granddaughter) among others, have acquired his works. Because of his contemporary colorful paintings and larger than life personality, the New York Post has called him "the new Andy Warhol."

Domingo uses energetic lines and textures in each piece. This year he presents his traditional pandas, Mona Lisas, super heroes, bullfighters, Marilyn Monroe, along with his 2021 Art Basel collection.

"It is a pleasure to return to Miami after such a long time and to enjoy Art Basel in America and the friendship of so many," said Zapata.

Along with Zapata others exhibiting at the David Rosen Galleries include artists and friends of Zapata such as Jacob Vilató, Sebastian Castella, Francesco Maccapani Missoni, Joaquin Zapata, Joaquin Avila, Zephyrine Kerr and Perky’s participate.

The Barcelona-born Jacob Vilató being Picasso's great-nephew carries art in his veins. He brings a sample of figurative art, which includes paintings from his most recent series "" La Suite Assise "and other works of strong and striking colors.

The French bullfighter, Sebastian Castella, retired from the bullrings and now dedicated to art, presents his work from the series "Blood and Sand" most of them made with sand from the bullring of Seville and Nimes (France).

Francesco Maccapani Missoni, architect and grandson of the founders of the Italian brand “Missoni”. Missoni transforms his traditional Missoni patterns into vibrant canvases.

Joaquín Ávila, Cuban artist and pupil of Domingo Zapata, presents a series of paintings with themes that explore classical art, but with a contemporary vision, and an individual style.

All this and more will run from December 1 to 5, from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm at David Rosen Galleries, 927 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach (entrance through the Books & Books garden).

For more information please contact david@davidrosengalleries.com

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