Cuban Liberty: Largest Electronic Cuban Flag, Signal of Solidarity Lights-Up Paramount Miami Worldcenter Tower

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Cuban Liberty: Largest Electronic Cuban Flag, Signal of Solidarity Lights-Up Paramount Miami Worldcenter Tower

Skyline Glows with Massive L.E.D. Message of Libertad & Freedom | B-Roll:

MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, July 17, 2021 / — As a shining signal of solidarity with the protesting people of Cuba, downtown Miami’s 700-foot-tall Paramount Miami Worldcenter skyscraper is lighting-up the city’s skyline with the world’s largest electronic Cuban flag and the mammoth messages of “Libertad” and “Freedom.”

Message of Support

“The Paramount Miami Worldcenter is igniting a brilliant beacon visible to the world so it can see that Miami stands with the people of Cuba in their quest for liberty and freedom from an oppressive regime,” says Paramount Miami Worldcenter CEO-Developer Daniel Kodsi (Cod-See).

Tower Lighting Times

The lighting display started pre-dawn on Friday, July 16, 2021 and continues through the night of Monday, July 19, 2021.

The hours of continuous operation are between 5:00 a.m. until sunrise; and from 8:00 p.m. until midnight. (All times Eastern)

Lighting System Facts

The Paramount Miami Worldcenter tower features America’s tallest L.E.D. animation system.

The superstructure’s 300-foot-wide rooftop crown is glowing with a solo white star embedded in a red triangle and, through its 60-story center column, are rippling blue and white stripes.

Stretching vertically through the middle of the building is an L.E.D. read-out of the Spanish word, “Libertad” and its English translation, “Freedom.”

The $600-million Paramount Miami Worldcenter is built with a state-of-the-art, $3-million Color Kinetics animation lighting system consisting of 14,300 light emitting diodes implanted in 10,000 panes of high-impact glass.

The system can create 16.2 million color combinations. It took three years to design and install Paramount’s lighting system.

Paramount Miami Worldcenter

The ultra-futuristic, luxury Paramount Miami Worldcenter residential tower rises from the heart of the 27-acre, 10-city-block-long, $4-billion Miami Worldcenter. It is currently the nation’s largest urban core construction project and America’s second-largest real estate development.


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