Craft Beer Gets BIG Technology

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Craft Beer Gets BIG Technology

Fully Automated 10BBL Brewery Built by MW Control Solutions

Fully Automated 10BBL Brewery Built by MW Control Solutions

MW Control Solutions Logo

MW Control Solutions Logo

As craft beer continues to grow across the US, tech engineers in the global alcohol space have taken notice…

ORLANDO, FLORIDA, USA, April 3, 2023/ — The craft beer phenomenon across the US continues to chug along, with breweries tapping into local community, and pouring their hearts into flavor and experience. Tech engineers in the global alcohol space have taken notice, and big things are brewing.

MW Control Solutions builds process automation control systems for major brands like Jameson, Bushmills, Teeling, Waterford, Hinch, Pearse Lyon, Titanic, and many more. Since opening a US office in Orlando a few years ago, MWCS built and/or automated over 20 craft breweries in Florida alone, and the driving force is in their process automation.

Beer has been brewed for as long as anyone knows…back to the earliest human civilizations. We like beer, and many will agree that yeast is a magical creature. However, our scientific understanding of the brewing process and how to control it mechanically is a relatively modern phenomenon. The hardest part of growth for modern craft breweries isn’t coming up with recipes, accessing ingredients, nor acquiring shiny stainless tanks to make good beer. The actual hardest part is making that good beer exactly the same, every time, and everywhere it’s produced. You have to marvel at the scientific controls employed by global alcohol brands to replicate their product on a macro scale. Now, these same controls are being installed on craft breweries in a leap-frog moment for technology in the industry. MW Control Solutions provides digital consistency for 75+ different variables in the brewing process, for each unique beer brewed, along with user logs, alarms, and full data reports. The craftsmanship of the beer is not lost due to hyper expansion, and the recipe is preserved with not just the ingredients used, but also in the digital footprint of how it’s brewed.

The family-owned company is run by Michael Wendling and has launched nationwide operations with breweries coming up in Georgia, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas, Washington, and California. “The science behind brewing and distilling is essentially the same at any scale, and providing this level of control to craft brands has helped them dramatically. We’re excited to help shape this fast-growing industry,” Michael shares. Jacob, their US Sales Director adds, “At a typical 10bbl scale, our turnkey solutions that include equipment, automation, and complete installation save our customers about $100,000 in startup costs by doing everything in-house, so we’re providing far superior equipment and functionality, with pricing that makes it an obvious decision. Our 10bbl systems achieve +90% efficiency, and with everything backed by warranty, our customers at any scale are confident we’ll help them expand.”

Once the shiny luster of new tanks wears off, the driving factors for growth of craft breweries beyond their own walls are efficiency, functionality and repeatable quality control. When comparing apples-to-apples in terms of functionality, this level of process control costs about $200,000 just for the software user license. MW Control Solutions has made a bold move by providing their software for free, and now craft breweries across the country want it.

Jacob Schmalzle
MW Control Solutions
+1 407-668-0040
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