Voting Booth, Source: TFP File Photo

County Commission Term Limits Proposed In Florida

County commissioners would face eight-year term limits under measures filed for consideration during the 2024 legislative session.
Source: TFP File Photo

County commissioners would face eight-year term limits under measures filed for consideration during the 2024 legislative session.

Sen. Blaise Ingoglia, R-Spring Hill, filed the Senate version of the proposal (SB 438) on Monday, after Rep. Michelle Salzman, R-Pensacola, filed similar legislation (HB 57) in October.

Under the proposals, county commissioners would have to leave office after two four-year terms and then would have to wait two years before they could run again for the seats.

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The state Constitution addresses the structure of county commissions and sets four-year terms for commissioners but does not place limits on terms. State lawmakers, the governor and Cabinet members have eight-year term limits.

During the spring legislative session, the Legislature approved imposing eight-year term limits on school board members, down from previous 12-year limits. The 2024 session will start in January.

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