President Joe Biden, apparently unaware of his current poll ratings and the state of the nation, said recently that he will run for re-election in 2024, if the conditions are right.
“If I’m in the health I’m in now — if I’m in good health — then, in fact, I would run again,” the 79-year-old president told ABC News last week.
Forget Republicans. Perhaps someone should tell our frequently incoherent chief executive that his own party does not want him.
A Yahoo News poll released on Christmas Eve showed that few Democrats – or anyone else – actually want Biden to run again in three years.
Asked if Biden should run in 2024, only 22 percent replied yes; a clear majority – 57 percent – said no.
Republicans – 86 percent- and independents – 64 percent – indicated that they don’t want Biden to pursue another term.
Yet only 43 percent of Democrats want a second round for Biden.
In fact, more people want former President Donald Trump to take another shot at the White House than Biden.
Yahoo found that 27 percent of respondents believe Trump should run again – five percentage points higher than Biden’s ratio.
Yahoo then asked a similar question that showed Biden’s support weakening among Democrats.
Yahoo asked half of the 1,558 respondents whom they would vote for between Biden and Trump if the 2024 election were held now. Biden held a 45-38 lead over Trump.
But among the other half, Biden’s lead dropped to 35-32. One reason is that among the second half, support for Biden among Democrats was 75 percent – compared to 88 percent in the first group.
When asked if they wanted to see Biden or someone else as the 2024 Democratic nominee, only 32 percent of Democrats answered Biden, relative to 41 percent who wanted someone else.
When asked who specifically they would prefer as the party’s nominee, just 20 percent of Democrats replied Biden.
The highest share went to “not sure,” which racked up 24 percent among Democrats.
As for an actual candidate, the next highest proportion went for Vice President Kamala Harris, with 13 percent. Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders each got 11 percent, while Transportation Secretary Pete Buittigieg received 10 percent.
According to the poll, only 27 percent of respondents say the country is headed in the right direction. Among Democrats, only 51 percent agree with that.
Meanwhile, only 41 percent said they approved of the job Biden is doing – a number boosted by Democrats, 79 percent of whom say they approve.
But among those of the left, 40 percent say they only “somewhat” approve of Biden’s performance, versus 39 percent who do so “strongly.”
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