Conservative Matt Walsh’s Ultimate Troll: His Children’s Book Is Bestseller In LGBTQ+ Category


Conservative Matt Walsh’s Ultimate Troll: His Children’s Book Is Bestseller In LGBTQ+ Category

Conservative commentator Matt Walsh is proving to be a master troller.

Earlier this year, left-wing Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez publicly blamed former President Donald Trump for her grandmother’s squalid living conditions in Puerto Rico, a remnant of the devastation of Hurricane Maria in 2017.

Walsh not only criticized AOC, who makes $174,000 a year as a member of Congress, for doing nothing to help her “abuela,” he also promptly raised more than $100,000 to ease her suffering. AOC’s family refused the money.

A few weeks ago, Walsh publicly promised to show up at the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board meeting to protest its pro-transgender policies. The board quickly changed its rules so that only county residents could make public comments at its meetings.

Walsh promptly signed a temporary lease to rent out a fan’s basement so he could claim county residence. He got to address the board.

But for his latest trolling triumph, the credit may go to forces beyond his control.

Walsh, a staunch and unrelenting critic of the progressive LGBT agenda, recently published a children’s picture book denouncing the trans movement.

In the book, entitled “Johnny the Walrus,” Walsh’s main character, Johnny, is a young boy with a vivid imagination. One day he announces that he identifies as a walrus.

Johnny’s liberal mother, cheered on by like-minded libs on social media, concedes to her son’s “transition,” with the aid of pills and surgery and a future life at the zoo, even though she knows the truth.

“There are dozens of children’s books brainwashing kids into the gender identity cult where they are taught that identity is malleable and biology is meaningless,” Walsh said of his work. “This book is meant to be an antidote to that madness.”   

Yet not even Walsh could see how it would turn out.

On Wednesday night, Walsh’s book was atop the best-seller list on Amazon – in the LGBT category.

“Johnny the Walrus” has in fact been at the head of that list for the past few days.

On his podcast on Monday, Walsh basked in “Johnny’s” success.

Since Amazon has decided his book is an LGBT story, Walsh noted, his book might be considered a “Sistine chapel of trolling.”

But he offered another take.

“I never expected to be such a prominent member of the [LGBT] community, or to be a member at all, frankly, but I will happily embrace this unexpected role,” he continued.

“My title is best-selling LGBT children’s author. It means that I am henceforth personally exempt from all criticism. … Any critiques of me or my opinions or my behavior or my literary work will now be officially and legally categorized as homophobic hate speech. If you refuse to buy my book, ‘Johnny the Walrus,’ or to download my podcasts or to come to my birthday parties or to invite me to your birthday parties, then you are guilty of marginalizing an oppressed minority.”

“If I’m censored on social media, or if somehow my book is still banned by Amazon, somehow it will be gay erasure,” he added. “You now have a moral obligation to affirm me, agree with me, celebrate me and especially to purchase my book.”

“I have long sought membership in a societally recognized victim group, because I coveted the power that such membership affords,” he concluded.

“I’ve discovered that in the victimhood arcade, not many tokens can be won with mere physical impairments. If you want to be rich in oppression, truly wealthy, you have to find your way into the LGBT fold. And now here I am, I can feel the power coursing through my veins. I am unstoppable. This must be what Spiderman felt like when he woke up the next morning after getting bit by the spider. This is a fair warning, then, to all of my critics. I am ineligible for further insults or denunciations. Before you say anything to me or about me, just remind yourself that you are referring to the top LGBT writer in the world.”

“Your criticism is violence. Your failure to compliment me would also be violence. These are the rules. I didn’t make them, but, by God, I will enforce them. So buy my book, you bigots.”

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