Compass Carbon, LLC Announces a Five Year Off-take Agreement/Sale on its Highsplint, Kentucky Carbon Credit Project

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Compass Carbon, LLC Announces a Five Year Off-take Agreement/Sale on its Highsplint, Kentucky Carbon Credit Project

VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, October 18, 2021 / — Compass Carbon, LLC, in collaboration with Carbon Assets 1, LLC, has announced today that it has entered into a five-year off-take agreement with a utility company for the sale of carbon credits from its Highsplint, Kentucky project. Compass utilized the brokerage services of Air Quality Consultants to consummate the contract.
The Highsplint Improved Forest Management project is located on 5,200 acres of mountainous forest lands in southeastern Kentucky and plans to generate offset credits for the WCI compliance market. The project has received its project ID number and is awaiting formal listing on the Climate Action Reserve public registry. “This long-term off-take will provide enhanced stability and predictability to project cash flows thereby significantly reducing project risk” said Brad Upham, partner at Compass Carbon LLC.

Compass Carbon, LLC is a carbon sequestration project developer and technology company focused primarily on large-scale, Improved Forest Management projects. Compass partners with clients to develop turn-key carbon sequestration programs that have environmental, social and financial benefits.


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Kurt Kaiser

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