College Prof: Our Universe And Life Are Too Complex To Be Explained By Evolution Alone


College Prof: Our Universe And Life Are Too Complex To Be Explained By Evolution Alone

Liberals get argumentative when you quote science to them – such as by saying only women can have babies or provide CDC data that show children have next to no chance of dying from COVID-19.

Physicist Eric Hedin may make their heads explode.

Hedin, a former professor at Ball State University and now at Biola University in California, recently published a book called “Canceled Science: What Some Atheists Don’t Want You to See.” And the thrust of his argument is that the development of the universe cannot be explained by natural phenomena alone.

In other words, some supernatural force is creating and guiding it.

Evidence “points to something beyond nature as being responsible for major aspects of our universe, in particular the origin of the universe,” Hedin told the conservative website The College Fix in a recent interview.

“The laws of nature all seem to be finely tuned to a value that, of course, allows life. But there’s some razor-sharp or knife-edge tuning to these parameters that really can’t be explained by saying, ‘Oh, it’s just luck.’”

He cited the level of biological information within cells as an example.

That “far exceeds what can be attained by any natural process we can think of, and actually, there are laws of physics that claim that natural processes cannot generate that level of complexity that is functional, specific, information-rich, resembling machines, architecture, and coding.”

In addition, though, the “esoteric aspects” of human beings – such as our minds, consciousness, emotions, spirituality – also extend beyond an explanation based upon “appealing to random interactions between particles guided by the push-pull forces that we find in nature,” said Hedin.

“We see the universe, we look at it, we study it, and we find evidence of intelligent design. The more we study nature, the more evidence for something beyond nature comes into the picture,” he added.

Hedin suggested that atheists, who cling to their own beliefs with a kind of dogmatic religious fervor, don’t want to confront the concept of an Intelligent Designer – or God – because that would force them to consider that “there are boundaries to what nature can accomplish naturally.”

He said his book is intended for general audiences, but that Christians might benefit because it could be “faith-strengthening” in helping guide them through scientific things.

Heid also noted that he believes there may be some erosion of support for Darwinism in the academy – such as a statement endorsed by more than 1,000 PhD-accredited scientists that reads, “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

“I believe the evidence (of a non-natural source) is having an effect,” he told The Fix. “After a while, you get tired of trying to ramrod something against the evidence and I think that this idea of naturalism just doesn’t add up with what we continue to discover.”

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