Americans are getting the message that college might not be the investment it once was, even though a college degree is still considered in many economic circles to be the price of admission to the good life.
According to, in 2020 there were 1.4 million fewer college students – undergraduate and graduate – than there were in 2010. The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center reports that in 2020, compared to 2019, overall enrollment dipped 3.6 percent, while first-time student enrollment fell an “unprecedented” 13 percent, and the ranks at community colleges thinned by 21 percent.
COVID-19 undoubtedly played a part in that. But perhaps so does what’s being taught.
Take Florida State University, for instance.
The conservative watchdog group Campus reform reported on Saturday that FSU is offering a class on the “History of Karen: Weaponizing White Womanhood,” a reference to aggressive women busybodies, typically white.
CR noted that a poster for the class includes a quote from New York Times columnist Charles Blow, who is black, who wrote in his recent book, “The activation of white terror is a white woman’s soft power. We like to masculinize white supremacy, to presume it reeks of testosterone, when in fact, it is just as likely to be spritzed by perfume.”
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The poster also includes photos of white women in Ku Klux Klan garb and white female students taunting a black girl during the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957.
CR also recently reported that a black LSU professor recently claimed during a panel discussion on the “Religion of White Rage” that conservatism is a “euphemism for white supremacy.” The professor also asserted that religion is “the primary motivating factor for the rise of white rage and white supremacist sentiment in the United States,” as shown by the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
Finally, according to CR, Rocky Mountain College in Montana hosted a person described as a “community radical,” who proceeded to tell his audience that “race isn’t a real thing,” but rather is a “political construct,” manufactured “by White people, for White people, specifically to oppress people of color.”
The activist also declared that whites, in order to prove they are “anti-racist,” must first “be willing to admit is that you are a racist.”
Who wouldn’t want to go tens of thousands of dollars in debt for an education like this?
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