Clearwater Construction Coming to the Downtown Gateway


Clearwater Construction Coming to the Downtown Gateway

CLEARWATER, Fla. – A contractor will begin working in the Downtown Gateway area of Clearwater this month to install several 6-inch underdrain pipes.

The purpose of an underdrain is to collect subsurface water before it appears on the road surface or flows over the curb and sidewalk.

Some sections of driveways, sidewalks and grassy areas will be removed and replaced as part of the work.

Affected streets include: Lincoln Avenue (between Franklin and Court streets), Betty Lane (between Park and Santa Rosa streets), Park Street, Pierce Street, Franklin Street, Santa Rosa Street (between Lincoln Ave and Betty Lane), Jade Place, Amanda Court, Fredrica Avenue (between Cleveland and Pierce streets), and Hillcrest Avenue (between Franklin and Deleon streets).

Residents will receive a doorhanger seven days prior to work being performed on their street. Construction begins this month and is expected to take three to four months to complete.

This project is separate from construction associated with the Cleveland Street Streetscape Phase III project, which has not yet begun. Questions should be directed to the city of Clearwater’s Engineering Department.

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