Citrus County School’s Raise The Year Over Year Graduation Rate


Citrus County School’s Raise The Year Over Year Graduation Rate

CITRUS COUNTY, Fla. – The Citrus County School District announced the graduation rate rose to 87.1 percent. Citrus County increased 1.1 percent from last year’s rate of 86 percent.

Florida’s graduation rate is a cohort graduation rate. A cohort is defined as a group of students on the same schedule to graduate.

The graduation rate measures the percentage of students in the 2019-20 graduating class who graduate within four years of their first enrollment in ninth grade (2016-17).

When comparing the 2019-20 graduation rate to prior years, it is important to note that pursuant to Florida Department of Education Emergency Order No. 2020-EO-1, students in the 2019-20 graduating class were exempt from statewide, standardized assessment requirements due to the cancellation of Spring 2020 assessments during the pandemic.

All three Citrus County high schools continue to match or out-perform Florida’s Standard 4-Year Diploma Graduation Rate of 90% and Citrus County’s Standard 4-Year Diploma Graduation Rate of 87.1%.

  • Citrus High School:92%
  • Crystal River High School: 90%
  • Lecanto High School:93%
  • District: 87%
  • State: 90%

The district’s graduation rate of 87.1 percent is comprised of students from our three high schools and alternative learning schools, such as CREST, Renaissance, E-Nini-Hassee, Cypress Creek Juvenile Detention Facility, and MyCro School.

Even though MyCro School closed in 2018, students who were part of the 2016-17 cohort and classified as a graduate, nongraduate, or dropout while enrolled at MyCro School before it closed remain in the Citrus County District calculation.

Citrus County’s most significant improvement was in the graduation rate of at-risk students, with a 15 percent increase compared to the previous year (62% to 77%).

Superintendent Sam Himmel says Citrus County students “showed remarkable resiliency by overcoming the obstacles that the pandemic put in their path last spring to complete their education on time.  We commend students, parents, educators and all those involved in helping our students graduate.”

Last spring, Citrus County Schools closed campuses for in-person learning and all students had to shift to online learning, which presented an additional layer of complication for students attempting to complete their high school graduation requirements.

Citrus County’s current graduation rate is 87.1 percent, but that does not mean that 12.9 percent of students in the cohort are dropouts. Students in each cohort are classified as graduates, dropouts, or nongraduates.

Nongraduates, 7.5% of the class of 2020, are students who are still enrolled and scheduled to earn a diploma, attending adult education, earned a certificate of completion, or earned a GED-based diploma.

“Our district always strives to do what is best for kids. We recognize that some students need additional time beyond four years to earn a diploma or may take an alternative path, like transferring to an adult education program or earn a GED-based diploma. Even though these students hinder the graduation rate because they are categorized as nongraduates,’ they do reach a level of success that will allow them to enter college or a career path,” said Amy Crowell, Director of Research and Accountability.

More information can be found on the FDOE website:

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