Churchill Claims Federally Certified As A Women-Owned Business

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Churchill Claims Federally Certified As A Women-Owned Business

Churchill Claims

Women Owned Small Business Certification Award

WOSB Certification

Churchill Claims has met all of the qualifications and are honored to receive their official certification as a Women-Owned Business.

I've used Churchill Claims with all 3 of the insurance companies I've worked for and they have always been reliable and professional. Terri Bishop is always right at my disposal!”

— Penny H

TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, December 1, 2020 / — What does it mean to be a Certified Women-Owned Business?

To help provide a level playing field for women business owners, the government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses that participate in the women’s contracting program.

The eligibility requirements include:

The company must be 51 percent owned by women who are U.S. citizens.
Women must manage the operations on a daily basis.
Women must make long-term decisions for the company.
A woman who works full-time for the company during normal work hours must hold the highest officer position in the company.

Who is the US Women’s Chamber of Commerce?

Taken from the USWCC, “The U.S. Women’s Chamber of Commerce gives voice to the collective strength of women in the U.S. economy. Using a platform of influence, innovation, and opportunity, we work with and for our members to grow successful businesses and careers.”

The US Women’s Chamber of Commerce is an approved 3rd party certifier for the federal government Women-Owned Small Business Program.

We are so proud to have met all of the qualifications and honored to receive our official certification as a Women-Owned Business.

From our President Melanie Hawkins, Appraisals Manager Terri Bishop, Director of Business Development Kathy Coventry and more in between; all the women at Churchill are a team that keep the show on the road.

Here are some interesting facts about women-owned businesses in the United States:

40% of US businesses are women-owned.
There are 114% more women entrepreneurs than there were 20 years ago.
Private tech companies led by women achieve 35% higher ROI.
Just 25% of women business owners seek business financing.
Female entrepreneurs ask for roughly $35,000 less in business financing than men.

Looking at these statistics we see the correlation to our own basic company purposes. Including being resourceful, going above and beyond to provide reports that are done correctly the first time, eliminating frustration from your day to day process. These factors have enabled our company to be amongst the best in the country. And they are all thanks to the amazing women in our group.

If you’re curious how our women-led team can help you please reach out to us at 877-840-6277, or send assignments directly to or submit them online.

Kathy Coventry
Churchill Claims Services
+1 877-840-6277
email us here
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