Christmas In July Gift Giveaway


Christmas In July Gift Giveaway

Joint Venture Business Partners are giving back to consumers by offering free gifts, throughout the month of July and August, 2020

July 20, 2020

By: JoyGrace Harmony

Dunedin, FL July 18, 2020 —Today’s business owners and entrepreneurs have come to realize that marketing to customers is evolving. While exploring different ways to increase profits and trying to stay competitive and relative…companies are opting to work together through Cross-Promotions and Joint Venture (JV) Partnerships.

One of the Cross-Promotion methods used by business owners is the Joint Venture (JV) Gift Giveaway Campaign.  This method allows every participant to win. The consumers not only receive free items; they also have the opportunity get to know the owners of these businesses and more about the products. Some of these free items include: e-books, reports, movies, how to manuals, free sessions, training, blue prints, coaching, teaching, tickets to virtual events, coupons, trials and more…all on one site .

While some businesses are “closing their doors”, others are seeking better ways to not only reset their business practices, they also are becoming more profitable. This is rapidly becoming the new way of marketing through implementing cross-promotion campaigns. The primary reasons that this method has become more mainstream, is the cost effectiveness, the ability to tap into a new customer base, and the opportunity to work with other like-minded business owners.

DTDG Christmas

Cross–Promotion Joint Venture Projects, like the Gift Giveaway Campaign, provides an outlet for future businesses to creatively service digitally educated customers who already expect some form of online communication.  Even small children as young as two are rapidly learning how to play, learn and shop online. Those who do not catch-up to this form of messaging and selling will be left behind.

The primary reasons businesses are embracing and adopting Cross-Promotion and Joint Venture Marketing methods includes:

  • To increase their customer base and ultimately sales
  • They find it a cost effective way to grow their business
  • Stop having to go it alone
  • An opportunity to form new Joint Venture Partnerships for future campaigns

Entrepreneur and the producer of the Do The Dream JV Gift Giveaway Campaign, Kathy Bee Hampton, says she has participated in JV Campaigns and marketing opportunities. Bee also claims that JV, Cross-Promotion Campaigns have helped her to build a substantial email list of subscribers and the opportunity to form new alliances and friendships with business owners and entrepreneurs.

“When people give first, the reward from giving far surpasses the initial contribution,” is one of Kathy Bee’s mantras.

These kind of campaigns provide true triple win experiences. The JV Gift Giving Campaign is designed for consumers to receive Free items and get to know the business owners and the business owners, who have a product, program or project are provided an easy and productive way to build their clientele base. With an ambitious goal of reaching 100,000 plus new potential customers, Bee believes her goal is not only doable but a preview of how businesses will be conducted in the future, through Cross-Promotions and Joint Venture Partnerships.

If business owners are interested in joining the Kathy Bee’s Joint Venture (JV) Campaign visit her website… get Free items go to .

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