China’s Communist Party Follow BLM Lead To Promote Critical Race Theory To US Children


China’s Communist Party Follow BLM Lead To Promote Critical Race Theory To US Children

The Chinese Communist Party has joined the fun of trying to brainwash American children with Critical Race Theory.

The China Global Television Network, a state-run “news” operation, has unveiled a nearly four-minute animated video that hits all of the liberal bromides in advancing the Black Lives Matter perspective of America.

The CGTN, which has an office in Washington, says its purpose is to promote “communication and understanding between China and the world, and enhancing cultural exchanges and mutual trust between China and other countries.”

Its video opens by arguing that racism is passed down “from generation to generation” – and that to “break the pattern,” parents should talk to their children about racism as seen in “the news.”

As an example, one image shows a police officer kneeling on the neck of a black man.

“There are things that are making us sad and angry,” a upset father instructs his son. “Unfortunately, some police made bad choices – because of the color of someone’s skin.”

The narrator then tells parents that for children in elementary school, to focus on “fairness,” which is “an idea they can understand.”

Which leads to a scene of a black mother telling her son, “Some people don’t like other people just because of the color of their skin. And it’s not fair because we are all the same underneath.”

From that, the video then argues, “Black people have gotten fewer opportunities than other people. So they have less money to buy food and take care of their needs. Black people also tend to get sick more often because they can’t afford doctors or medicine. And black people are hurt by police officers at a higher rate.”

It then turns to pop culture, and encourages parents to monitor what their children watch and read.

Encourage them to learn about “heroes” of other cultures – such as Crazy Horse, the famous Souix warrior who, according to, eschewed peace treaties with the U.S. government and led murederous raids on white settlers, culminating with the massacre of Gen. George Custer’s force at Little Big Horn.

“Unfortunately,” the narrator says, “most children’s books and shows center around white characters.” But you can found others, “if you make the effort,” the video advises, as it depicts a parent searching a computer for “anti-racist children’s books.”

As it concludes, the narrator notes, “Lead by example, and add diversity to different parts of your life. Take part in activities likely to have a diverse group of people. Remember, being ‘not racist’ just keeps things the way they are now. By being anti-racist, you can help lead our children to a brighter future.”

So say producers from one of the least diverse cultures on Earth.

Christopher Rufo, the conservatvie journalist who is the leading authority on CRT indoctrination in America’s institutions, noted in a tweet, “Chinese state propaganda is virtually indistinguishable from the curriculum in many American public schools.”

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