Check This Out: Sarasota Police Holiday Light Show, Insanely Cool

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Check This Out: Sarasota Police Holiday Light Show, Insanely Cool

SARASOTA, Fla. – Sarasota Police Department created a holiday light spectacular. And we dig it. Very much.

The police department said in a statement online, “Happy Holidays! Chief Bernadette DiPino and the men and women of the Sarasota Police Department wish you a safe and peaceful holiday season. Special thanks again to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra & Adam Lind with NC Management for granting us permission once again to use music from the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.”

Some of our most avid readers know that our Publisher is a former firefighter and has a ton of friends in law enforcement, at the state and federal level. I sent this to him today. His response? ‘Get it online!’. You got it Bri.

Enjoy this and thank you Sarasota Police Department! The following video contains effects that may affect photosensitive viewers.

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