Airport Security Line (File)

CBP Officer In Florida Trades Customs Duties For Sticky Fingers At Naples Airport

Airport Security Line (File)
Airport Security Line (File)

In a case that proves the old adage “finders keepers” doesn’t apply to customs officers, William Joseph Timothy, a 43-year-old from Ave Maria, has learned a hard lesson about the consequences of sticky fingers.

While working as a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer at the Naples Airport, Timothy decided to supplement his income by helping himself to approximately $18,700 in cash from unsuspecting airline passengers.

His method? A series of sleight-of-hand maneuvers performed during “official” border enforcement examinations.

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Unfortunately for Timothy, CBP’s Office of Professional Responsibility investigators weren’t fooled, uncovering 17 separate incidents of theft. Timothy entered a guilty plea in June, and now, in addition to his prison sentence, he’ll be paying back every penny he pocketed.

“CBP does not tolerate misconduct within its ranks,” said Carlos C. Martel, Director, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Miami and Tampa Field Offices. “CBP’s efforts in this case are a testament to CBP’s commitment to preserving the honor of its overwhelmingly professional workforce, and our core values of vigilance, integrity, and service to country.”

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