Catholic Archbishop Gets Thousands To Sign Up To Pray That Hometown Girl Nancy Pelosi Will Abandon Support For Abortion


Catholic Archbishop Gets Thousands To Sign Up To Pray That Hometown Girl Nancy Pelosi Will Abandon Support For Abortion

At a recent speech, Pope Francis reiterated the Catholic Church’s position on abortion – one that many Catholic Democrats, such as President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi openly defy.

The procedure is, in short, “murder,” Francis said.

And now Catholics are hoping that prayer will help convert fallen Catholics, and specifically Pelosi.

Addressing the Pontifical Academy for Life late last month, Francis talked about helping “today’s men and women to rediscover the primacy of the right to life from conception to its natural end.”

“Here too, I would like to mention that we are victims of the throwaway culture,” the pope added. “(T)here is the throwing away of children that we do not want to welcome, with that abortion law that sends them back to their sender and kills them.”

“Today this has become a ‘normal’ thing, a habit that is very bad; it is truly murder,” Francis continued. “In order to truly grasp this, perhaps asking ourselves two questions may help: is it right to eliminate, to end a human life to solve a problem? Is it right to hire a hitman to solve a problem? Abortion is this.”

He also said that the elderly are also “a bit of ‘throwaway material,’” as evidenced by the use of euthanasia.

“Let us be careful about this throwaway culture. It is not a problem of one law or another. It is a problem of throwing away. And on this point, you academics, the Catholic universities, and also Catholic hospitals cannot allow themselves to go this way. This is a path which we cannot take: the throw away path,” Francis said.

Francis, who recently met with Pelosi in Rome, made these remarks a few days after she and other House Democrats pushed for a bill to protect the rights of doctors to perform abortions. The archbiship in Pelosi’s hometown, San Francisco, denounced the bill as promoting “child sacrifice.”

In response, Pelosi said, “It’s none of our business how other people choose the size and timing of their families.”

But this week, reported that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is calling on prayer to win over Pelosi.

Cordileone urged all Catholics to offer special prayers, and to fast, every Friday for Pelosi.

“Speaker Pelosi speaks fondly of her children,” he said. “She clearly has a maternal heart. Pope Francis has called abortion murder, the equivalent of hiring a hitman to solve a problem. The solution to a woman in a crisis pregnancy is not violence but love.”

“Please join me in praying the rosary and fasting for a conversion of Speaker Pelosi’s maternal heart to embracing the goodness and dignity of human life not only after birth, but in the womb as well,” the archbishop added.

“Any reasonable person with a basic sense of morality and inkling of decency cannot but shudder in horror at such a heinous evil being codified in law.” he continued. “It is especially shameful that any self-professed Catholic would be implicated in such an evil, let alone advocate for it.”

As of Sunday, 12,987 people had signed up on the archbishop’s website to pray for Pelosi, according to 

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