Category: Lottery
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Is It You? Florida Winners Announced, Holiday Bonus Play Drawing
The Florida Lottery announced the winners from the first of two drawings in the Holiday Bonus Play Promotion. One top prize winner received $25,000.
20-Year-Old Tampa Woman Scratches Off $1,000,000 After Leaving Walmart Liquor Box
TAMPA, Fla. - The Florida Lottery announced that Talisha Candelaria, 20, of Tampa, claimed a $1 million top prize from the BONUS TRIPLE MATCH Scratch [...]
Lee County Florida Man Hits $1,000,000 For a Merry Christmas
LEE COUNTY, Fla. - The Florida Lottery announced that Mario Cisneros, 39, of Bonita Springs, claimed a $1 million prize from the $5,000,000 GOLD RUSH [...]
Florida Man Surprises Family with $1,000,000
The Florida Lottery announced that Christopher Richards, 54, of Fort Lauderdale, claimed a $1 million top prize from THE FASTEST ROAD TO $1,000,000 S [...]
Florida Woman Takes $790,000 on a $1 Million WIN
The Florida Lottery announced that Annie Abnatha, of Cocoa, claimed a $1 million top prize from THE FASTEST ROAD TO $1,000,000 Scratch-Off game using [...]
Florida Man Wins $5,000,000, After He Won $1,000,000 Three Years Ago
The Florida Lottery announced that Munib Garvanovic, 56, of Jacksonville, claimed a $5 million top prize from the 200X THE CASH Scratch-Off game at F [...]
Florida Man Has $1,000,000 to Celebrate Thanksgiving
The Florida Lottery announced that Felton Jackson, of Pensacola, claimed a $1 million prize from the 200X THE CASH Scratch-Off game using a secured d [...]
Florida Woman Stops to Pick Up Dinner, Leaves With $1,000,000
The Florida Lottery announced that Pamela Lavigne, 61, of Southport, claimed a $1 million top prize from THE FASTEST ROAD TO $1,000,000 Scratch-Off g [...]
Spare Change Turns into $500,000 For a Florida Man
The Florida Lottery announced that Jose Arce, 62, of Miami, claimed a $500,000 top prize from the 20X CROSSWORD Scratch-Off game using a secured drop [...]
Florida Woman Claims $1,000,000 at Publix in Orlando
The Florida Lottery announced that Carmen Santiago Rolon, 55, of Orlando, claimed a $1 million top prize from THE FASTEST ROAD TO $1,000,000 Scratch- [...]