Category: Education
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Florida House ‘OKs’ Patriotic Groups For Schools
US and POW Flag Source: Unsplash
Under a bill that received final approval Thursday in the Florida House, representatives of certain “patriotic or [...]
‘History Of Communism’ Requirement Advances To Full Florida Senate
Sen. Jay Collins, R-Tampa, Colin Hackley/File
A bill that would require the history of communism to be taught in Florida’s public schools, potenti [...]
Florida House Signs Off On School Chaplains
Fivay High School (TFP File Photo)
The Florida House on Thursday passed a measure that would allow school districts to authorize volunteer chaplai [...]
Florida School Safety Measures Advance
School Library (TFP File Photo)
A Florida House panel on Wednesday approved two bills aimed at bolstering security at public schools and Jewish da [...]
‘Patriotic Organizations’ OK’d For Florida Schools
School Laptops (File)
A bill that would allow certain “patriotic organizations” to talk with Florida public school students and distribute informa [...]
Florida Gov. DeSantis Awards $4 Million To Indian River State College
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (Source: Governor Of Florida's Office)
FORT PIERCE, Fla. — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday the award o [...]
Book Objection Fees Revamped In Florida House
School Library (TFP File Photo)
A House committee on Tuesday approved a key change to a proposal that could impose fees on people who file numerou [...]
‘Identity Politics’ Targeted In Florida Teacher Preparation
School Class (Source: Unsplash)
A proposal designed in part to keep “identity politics” out of teacher-preparation courses began moving forward Mo [...]
Florida’s 2022–23 High School Graduation Rate Sets New Record At 88 Percent
College Graduates (File)
The Florida Department of Education announced that the state’s 2022–23 high school graduation rate climbed to 88 percent, [...]
Florida Teachers Challenge Personal Pronoun Law
School Library (TFP File Photo)
Three teachers on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit alleging a new state law restricting titles and pronouns at sc [...]