Cannabis Industry provides a multitude of opportunities in an Emerging Market

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Cannabis Industry provides a multitude of opportunities in an Emerging Market

David Cannady, Cannady & Associates Managing Partner

The Cannabis Investors Summit will feature guest speaker David Cannady, Managing Partner at Cannady & Associates.

FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, December 1, 2021 / — Attitudes surrounding cannabis as it pertains to sectors of the world economic market have shifted, particularly as more industries recognize the once-vilified plant's staying power. Beyond agriculture and consumer goods, cannabis has also found a foothold in related industries such as healthcare and pharmaceuticals. This development has opened the door for businesses in complementary growth categories such as finance and law.

Supporting roles include a vast array of specialized services, and visionaries are taking notice. David Cannady is a respected leader in the cannabis space, devoting his expertise to navigating the ever-changing nuances of the industry at every level domestically and internationally. He is the managing partner of Cannady & Associates, a Florida-based law firm that focuses on business litigation, cannabis law, and international law.

Cannady is one of the voices encouraging the exploration of the emerging market through organized information sessions and networking events. One of the opportunities he is directly involved with is the Cannabis Investors Summit (CIS). The driving force is to provide attendees with a platform for connecting with entrepreneurs, investors, activists, and influencers to gain a unique insider perspective.

As one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation, discussions will include key trends, up-and-upcoming developments, and untapped investment mediums. For the most part, in consideration of positioning for a post-legalization return on investment. The upcoming Cannabis Investors Summit will offer cutting-edge information, policy updates, and pending legalizations, specifically in Florida, to ensure that attendees have a comprehensive market understanding. Future summits are planned for additional locations in 2022.

Check out the Cannabis Investors Summit official website for more information:


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