Canceled: YouTube Slashes Ad Revenue For Popular Gun Rights Channel ‘Justin Opinion’


Canceled: YouTube Slashes Ad Revenue For Popular Gun Rights Channel ‘Justin Opinion’

President Joe Biden has made it clear that, if he had the power, he would unilaterally topple the Second Amendment and gun owners’ rights.

But as the Cancel Culture has shown, major corporations are more than willing to do what Biden and congressional Democrats never could accomplish through the political process.

Take, for example, Justin Opinion, a YouTube channel popular with gun owners for its reviews of firearms and outdoor gear.

According to the conservative Media Research Center, Justin Opinion in nine years has amassed 84,000 subscribers and more than 23 million views.

Related News: Canceled: Woke-A-Cola Is Out In Some GOP Offices In Georgia

Yet, now it has been demonetized – and its continued existence threatened.

In this case, it appears ‘Justin Opinion’ was carrying content from a peaceful rally of Virginia gun owners, some of whom were exercising their constitutional right to carry in public.

YouTube cut the feed of an independent news organization covering the rally, saying the display of guns violated its community standards.

The platform then did the same to Justin Opinion.

His site was demonetized because his channel “show[ed] someone holding, handling, or transporting a firearm,” the MRC reported.

‘Justin Opinion’ told a group called, Reclaim the Net, that he felt YouTube’s decision was “arbitrary and vague,” and that he had always abided by YouTube’s policies.

But its actions show “the hatred … the YouTube organization (has) towards its ‘partners.’”

Justin Opinion said YouTube’s move just cut half the revenue he needs to cover expenses.

“I have recently invested a whole lot of money, a whole lot of money in video-making gear and equipment,” he told Reclaim the Net. “So, it’s ironic that having just spent all this money and learning to play with some of these new tools, comes at a time when YouTube says ‘Oh and by the way, we’re not gonna allow you to make a, a single penny from your videos.’”

“It doesn’t mean I’m not going to make any videos but it definitely means I’m not going to make very many videos because as much as I love doing it and as much as I feel like I have to do it, whether there’s any money in it or not, I would be a complete idiot to just spend tons of money producing videos that I can’t get any money back from,” he added.

“I’m not a wealthy person. I don’t have those resources. I don’t have the means to do that.”

And that is what Biden, the Democrats, and their allies in Big Media and Big Business are counting on.

Check out our ‘Cancel Corner‘, a section we launched in February, where we report on the latest Cancel Cases and stories from around the globe.

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