J. Edgar Hoover was a brute and a bully who used secretive, extralegal methods to obtain dirt on American citizens and then use it against them to satisfy his own prerogatives.
Yet in many respects, he was also a forward-thinking crime-fighter devoted to science who molded the FBI into the premier law enforcement agency in the world.
For the latter, and for the protection of American citizens, the FBI headquarters is named for him. President Richard Nixon, responding to a U.S. Senate resolution introduced after Hoover’s death in May 1972, agreed to christen the 2.8 million-square-foot structure after the longtime FBI director.
Last week left-wing Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen of Tennessee, who when last heard from was calling for loyalty tests for National Guardsmen protecting the Capitol because he claimed the ranks were filled with white supremacists, filed a bill to erase Hoover’s name from the building.
In true 2021 style, Cohen said he wants to cancel Hoover because he watched and took as gospel a movie – and not a documentary – about how Hoover allegedly undermined the Black Panthers.
But in even truer 2021 style, on Saturday, a woke MSNBC host decided Hoover must be canceled. Tiffany Cross, host of “The Cross Connection,” said, “Changing the name of our premier law enforcement agency so that it doesn’t honor a racist tyrant who trampled civil liberties, I don’t know, seems like a pretty logical step to me.”
She further explained, “Now if you don’t know about J. Edgar Hoover, he lorded over the FBI as its first director for nearly 50 years, and he spent much of the 1950s and 60s obsessively trying to derail the civil rights movement, using tactics like illegal wiretaps, warrantless searches, and other dirty tricks to spy on movement leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hoover’s FBI even sent Dr. King an anonymous letter, attempting to blackmail him into committing suicide.”
If Cross wants to make the case that Hoover was a black mark against the nation’s legacy of furthering civil rights, she’s free to do so and may even when a few converts from the right.
Where Cross crossed a line politically is whose name should go on the building instead.
“How about: the Stacey Abrams Building,” said Cross.
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“If one woman could square off against a whole system that tried to suppress, oppress, and depress the descendants of the people who built this country, for free, and who again managed to save the country from itself, then surely, we can dedicate the building representing equal protection under law after a real political warrior.”
Setting aside the anti-white racist implication that only black Americans “built this country, for free,” one must question the choice of Abrams, failed 2018 Georgia gubernatorial candidate.
Abrams lost an election, and not by a particularly close tally.
And for more than two years she has wandered her state and this nation doing exactly what Democrats and their media allies said Donald Trump should be shunned, or perhaps imprisoned, for casting doubts on a legitimate election.
Abrams claimed voter suppression by her GOP opponent, Brian Kemp, cost her the election. Kemp, who was Georgia’s secretary of state, this the main official overseeing the election, slashed the rolls of voters who were ineligible under state law.
In response to Abrams’ claims, the lefty website FiveThirtyight.com noted, “An estimated 55 percent of eligible (Georgia) voters exercised their right to vote, which is about 21 points higher than the state’s 1982-2014 average. That was the biggest change from the average of any state.”
In other words, if Kemp intended to suppress votes, he did a lousy job of it.
And in a “fact check” that re-analyzed Abrams’ assertions last November, the liberal USA Today pointed out, “While Abrams has maintained the 2018 gubernatorial election was unfair and tainted by voter suppression, there’s no empirical evidence that now-Gov. Kemp stole that election from her.”
Then again, she sounds exactly like someone Democrats would want to name a building after.
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