Canceled: San Fran School Board Votes to Strip Woke Member of Her Title


Canceled: San Fran School Board Votes to Strip Woke Member of Her Title

Hand it to the wokesters in San Francisco: At least they’re trying to make Cancel Culture a bipartisan thing.

The city school board voted 5-2 on Thursday to strip Vice President Allison Collins of her title, and the community is ramping up efforts to recall three of the seven members.

A group called ‘Recall the SF School Board’ has compiled 30 reasons why Collins and two other members should be ousted. Primarily, the group is upset that the school remains locked down because of COVID-19.

But many community leaders also want Collins, who is black, out for racist tweets fired off shortly after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. These tweets, as they say, recently “resurfaced.”

In one tweet, she referred to Asian-Americans as “house” N-word.

“Do they think they won’t be deported? profiled? beaten?,” Collins tweeted in December 2016. “Being a house n—r is still being a n—-r. You’re still considered ‘the help.’”

In another, she invited examples of anti-black racism at her daughters’ “mostly Asian Am” school, and claimed Asians, applying “model minority BS, were accustomed to “use white supremacist thinking to assimilate and ‘get ahead.’”

In still another tweet, Collins complained that Asian-Americans acted as if Black Lives Matter didn’t exist. 

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The recall advocates also cited a quote by Collins from last October, when she criticized “merit” and “meritocracy based on standardized testing” as emblematic of a “racist systems.”

In the school board resolution adopted Thursday that stripped Collins of her title, the proponents of sanctioning Collins noted her “inflammatory statements” in 2016 “perpetuate(d) gross and harmful stereotypes and leave no room for nuance or potential misunderstanding.”

The document also added, “Although Commissioner Collins has acknowledged that her words may have caused pain, her public statements to-date have fallen short of sincere recognition of the harm she has caused and Vice President Collins does not seem to take meaningful responsibility for her actions.’

Right. Because guess who she blames?

If you think Donald Trump, you’re right.

Collins’ acknowledgment of the “pain” her words caused came in a post on Medium. She claimed a couple of times that her words were “taken out of context,” even though the full tweets are there for anyone to read.

Nevertheless, she wrote on Medium, the tweets are after “President Donald Trump had just won an election fueled by division, racism and an anti-immigration agenda,” and that Asian students at her daughter’s school were fueling that by teasing a “Latinx classmate about ‘sending kids back to Mexico’” and the KKK.”

“It was a time of processing, of fear among many communities with the unknown of how the next four years would unfold. And here we are today. Anti-Asian racism is not new, but the recent uptick in violence and bigotry against Asian-Americans is clearly connected to Trump and his racist tropes,” added Collins, as typical hyping the liberal line about attacks on Asian-Americans without evidence.

“Trump showed us that clearly with his sowing of hate and pitting communities of color against one another for political gain.”

To their credit, the majority of the board took Collins at her original, hateful word, and voted accordingly.

Meanwhile, one leader of the recall movement told National Review, “We were glad to see the rest of the board finally hold one of their own accountable. That said, Collins is still on the Board of Education, and we’re going to proceed with the recall.”

Collins was the top vote-getter in the 2018 election in a place where only 7 percent of registered voters are Republicans.

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