Canceled: Oops, Missouri Woman ‘Regrets’ Bashing High School Kids As Racists

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Canceled: Oops, Missouri Woman ‘Regrets’ Bashing High School Kids As Racists

One of the U.S. military’s most lethal anti-personnel weapons is the Claymore mine, a curved device whose destructive shrapnel can be aimed at its human targets.

The mine comes stamped with a clear message on how it is to be used: “Front toward enemy.”

Perhaps, as a Missouri woman recently learned, Cancel Culture should carry the same warning.

The Kansas City Star noted on Wednesday that a liberal took to social media to rip some recent grads of her high school alma mater in a small southeastern Missouri town.

The woman believed the students, all boys, had flashed a “hand gesture associated with white supremacy in a group photo they posted on Instagram,” the Star reported. The photo also featured four girls who did not make the sign.

It was a version of the “OK” sign that has somehow, in the liberal mind, morphed into the secret signal of the Ku Klux Klan, or something.

Except in this case, the boys had turned their hands in a different direction to mimic NBA legend Michael Jordan’s “threepeat” sign. The students were celebrating having won a volleyball tournament called the Powder Buff championship for a third consecutive time.


The woman posted a shot of the boys’ photo on Facebook, and preceded to denounced them as racists.

Vitriol against them ensued as the post was “widely shared,” the Star reported. The school superintendent told the paper that the reaction toward the boys caused by the photo was “vicious” and “brutal.”

Yet at some point the woman realized that she had been wrong, and removed the post, the Star noted.

The “woman regrets her faulty assumptions and the harm it’s done,” the paper said in an editorial. “So I guess the implication is that I’m partly responsible for ruining innocent young lives for forwarding that screenshot,” the woman told the paper. “If true I much regret it.”

Well, doesn’t that just make everything better.

That this episode was completely avoidable goes without saying.

As the Star pointed out, “Maybe one clue (that it was not a racist gesture) should have been that at least two of the smiling seniors in the photo are students of color.”

But this shows the easily brainwashed among us make life miserable for all of us.

While the Star was right to criticize her, the editorial had one item of interest.

The Star wrote that it was not naming the woman, “because the point isn’t to redirect the anger mistakenly aimed at these young people at her.”

Yet shouldn’t that be the point? How else will she learn unless she tastes some of the hatred and contempt she helped generate toward these young men?

It’s easy to guess that the Star would have no problem naming a conservative who did something stupid that the paper disagreed with.

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