Canceled: FSU May Be Ready To Ditch Its Founding President


Canceled: FSU May Be Ready To Ditch Its Founding President

Florida State University’s booster club recently pitched a plan to renovate the school’s football stadium.

According to, an FSU-centric sports website, proponents seek a full makeover and cite a study of fans taken last year that revealed more than 90 percent of respondents want big changes, possibly by 2024.

The renovations could include “improved concourses and restrooms, better seat comfort and legroom, more concession offerings, improved WiFi and other amenities.”

But the stadium might get one big change long before then, if the wokesters get their way.

The conservative group Campus Reform reported on Friday that FSU’s Task Force on Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion voted 6-2 this past week to consider erasing the name of FSU founder and inaugural president Doak Campbell from the stadium.

Campbell served as FSU’s president from 1941 to 1957 and shepherded its transition from an all-women’s college to the university it is today.

Yet, per the majority of the task force, according to Campus Reform’s story, he didn’t do enough to end segregation – which is more or less like accusing 1930s Germans of not ending Nazism, or reminding today’s liberals that they do nothing to rein in the violent excesses of Black Lives Matter.

FSU history professor Maxine Jones conducted an exhaustive review of Campbell’s papers and, according to a campus spokeswoman, “did not find evidence that Mr. Campbell exhibited racist behavior, he followed the rules of the day, and that he worked behind-the-scenes to address race relations.”

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Jones also noted in her recommendation that “the football stadium on the campus of Florida State University maintain the name Doak S. Campbell Stadium.”

“Doak S. Campbell, the first president of FSU, deserves recognition for his guidance of (Florida State College for Women) during its transition to Florida State University, and for his leadership and poise during the initial stage of a tumultuous transitional period in our state’s history,” Jones wrote, according to Campus Reform.

Still, that, and the pleas of the Campbell family, wasn’t good enough.

Taskforce member Miles Feacher said that he personally was “not placing specific blame on Doak Campbell, however, his actions, unfortunately, resulted in the continuation of segregation,” Campus Reform noted.

By that yardstick, you could rename almost every building in the South – which may be the goal anyway.

According to a campus official, FSU has not yet formally opted to erase Campbell’s name. That decision will be made by FSU President John Thrasher, who is a former Republican speaker of the Florida House and a former chairman of the Florida GOP.

But the fact that Thrasher has an Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion task force should give fans of Campbell or conservatives little comfort.

Yet the vote showed the irony of the so-called “anti-racism” movement: that it’s more about salving the consciences of guilt-ridden white liberals than actually ending perceived racism.

The two dissenters to Jones’s recommendation included Jones, who is black, and FSU basketball player Malik Osborne, who also is black.

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