Canceled: Arizona TV News Anchor Self-Cancels Over Dishonesty in the Media

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Canceled: Arizona TV News Anchor Self-Cancels Over Dishonesty in the Media

For five years, each time former President Donald Trump uttered the phrase “fake news” or “enemy of the people”, in reference to the national media, we heard a crescendo of denials, outrage, and ruminations about how Trump was threatening the further existence of the republic by complaining about dishonest media coverage – a hobby for presidents going back to at least Thomas Jefferson.

Nonetheless, a local television news anchor in Arizona has self-canceled because of – wait for it – dishonesty in the media.

Kari Lake was an Emmy-winning co-anchor for a Fox affiliate for 22 years. But in a 153-second Rumble video posted on Monday, she announced she was throwing in the towel.

“Sadly, journalism has changed a lot since I first stepped into a newsroom – and I’ll be honest: I don’t like the direction it’s going,” she said as she proceeded to explain what apparently had been a leave of absence.

Kari Lake

“The media needs more balance in coverage and a wider range of viewpoints represented in every newsroom, at every level, and in each position,” Lake added.

“In the past few years, I haven’t felt proud to be a member of the media. I’m sure there are other journalists out there who feel the same way. I found myself reading news copy that I didn’t believe was fully truthful – or only told part of the story.”

Continuing, Lake said, “And I began to feel that I was contributing to the fear and division in this country by continuing on in this profession. It’s been a serious struggle for me, and I no longer want to do this job anymore. So, I’ve decided the time is right to do something else, and I’m leaving Fox 10.”

“Not everyone is dedicated to telling the truth. But, thankfully, many of you have figured that out,” she added. “I promise you, if you hear it from my lips, it will be truthful.”

“It is scary walking away from a good job and a successful career, especially in difficult times I know God has my back and will guide me to work that aligns with my values.”

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