Canceled: AOC Cancels Those Who Say ‘Surge,’ And The ‘White Supremacist’ Thinking That Criticizes Illegal Immigration

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Canceled: AOC Cancels Those Who Say ‘Surge,’ And The ‘White Supremacist’ Thinking That Criticizes Illegal Immigration

A T-shirt available online offers the phrase: “Make Orwell fiction again.”

The short could, and perhaps does, refer to the Big Brotheresque policies liberals seek to impose.

Or maybe it could refer to the utter corruption of the English language by politics, which has rendered perfectly good words like “normal” and “inclusion” meaningless by infusing them with woke overtones.

We can now add “surge” to the list.

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday night lashed out at those who use that word to characterize the onslaught of illegal immigrants crashing the southern border.

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“Anyone who’s using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame,” the New York City Democrat said during an Instagram video.

“And that’s a problem, because this is not a surge. These are children. They are not insurgents and we are not being invaded — which by the way is a White supremacist idea, a philosophy — that if an ‘other’ is coming into the population, that this is an invasion of who we are,” AOC added.

Set aside AOC’s goofy take on the argument over the border – that is, tying “surge” to “insurgent” when, in the contemporary context, the Pentagon used that term not for the enemy, but rather to describe the U.S. boosting its troop presence to fight actual insurgents. Or AOC’s other ridiculous, politically correct assertion that is designed to simply end the debate: that criticizing the flood of illegal aliens into our nation is racist, as if the important point were simply skin color and not national sovereignty or the rule of law.

Instead, to her point, a surge is quite literally what is happening.

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Tens, and perhaps, hundreds of thousands of people from an “other” country, or more, are crashing the border in violation of American law.

And the American president is not only failing to stop it, he’s inviting it, and relishing the fact that the hordes are coming because, as he said at his recent press conference, “Biden is a good guy.”

The migrants are streaming across in numbers unseen since AOC was in elementary school.

Yet Democrats resort to denial as a defense.

In addition to AOC wrenching language and denouncing critics as racists, we see President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security secretary insists on using the word “challenge” instead of crisis to describe the phenomenon. We see Biden himself, again at that press conference, dismissing the spike in numbers as something that “happens every single, solitary year.” We see The New York Times, in a March 8 article, which by the way mentioned the “surge of immigration” from Central America, noting illegal immigrant children being “held in jail-like facilities,” when under President Donald Trump it was “kids in cages.” 

As George Orwell would understand, in the age of wokeness, more and more words are increasingly losing meaning, cutting us off not only from solutions, but even the debate necessary to reach compromise.

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