California School District Bans Political Flags After Two Students Use A Teacher’s Pride Flag For Toilet Paper


California School District Bans Political Flags After Two Students Use A Teacher’s Pride Flag For Toilet Paper

Public schools and the auditoriums of school boards increasingly host the skirmish lines in our culture war.

And, it seems, liberals are unhappily reaping what they’ve sown.

One recent example comes from Paso Robles, California, courtesy of the San Luis Obispo Tribune.

There, two students went into science teacher Evan Holtz’s classroom at Paso Robles High School and stole his 3-foot-by-5-foot LGBTQ Pride flag, which was hanging on the wall.

Holtz pursued, but could not catch them. Tik Tok told the next chapter.

The students, according to the Tribune, videoed themselves with the flag in the restroom, where they attempted to flush it down the toilet.

That apparently did not work. Because Tik Tok also showed one of them defecating on the flag while it was lodged in the toilet.

A social studies teacher at the school told the newspaper their vandalism was “definitely an act of hate directed at the LGBTQ community.”


Or maybe at a time when teachers tell elementary school kids about their same-sex sexual preferences, encourage students to pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ banner, and support transgender liberation so that girls no longer have privacy in locker rooms or bathrooms, some students are fed up with having the gay-rights agenda shoved down their throats.

The Tribune noted that the incident actually occurred about a month ago.

But it didn’t come to light until school district administrators started getting complaints about teachers politicizing their classrooms with paraphernalia from LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, and other causes.

The district “has received multiple concerns about certain flag displays in teacher classrooms, including those that are large and distracting and those that alter the American flag,” schools Superintendent Curt Dubost wrote to teachers on Oct. 1.

The superintendent subsequently announced a new policy.

No flags in classrooms larger than 2 feet by 2 feet, none that portray “alterations of the American flag.”

“We don’t want to turn it into a politicized issue where a student enters a classroom and looks up, ‘Oh, there’s a rainbow flag here, or there’s a blue lives matter flag here — that determines what the partisanship is of my teacher,’ Dubost told the Tribune.

“We think that that’s a real slippery slope. And so we continue to believe that this is a very reasonable compromise solution that allows rainbows, but within reason.”

The Tribune added, “Students said the district’s new flag policy sent a clear message: The flag that symbolizes their right to love is political and not welcome at school.”

Sophomore Eve Barajas told the paper that the new flag policy was “a way of subtly just getting rid of it. Their defense was that the Pride flag may be a trigger for certain students. But if I had said that the American flag was a trigger to me, I would be treated like a terrorist.”

Yet, viewed differently, it would appear that liberals who have advocated disrespecting and desecrating the American flag for all the evil it supposedly represents now understand why patriots who love this country don’t want anyone taking a crap on it, literally or figuratively. 

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