California Racial Attack Shows Problem With Making Everything About Race


California Racial Attack Shows Problem With Making Everything About Race

If you beat a drum loud enough and long enough, some people begin to hear it.

Someone did in Irvine, California, last week.

For the last few weeks, Democratic politicians, the national media, and left-wing activists have promoted the idea that Asian-Americans are under attack, as highlighted by a massacre in Atlanta, where six of eight victims killed in a recent shooting spree were of Asian descent.

The crime was dubbed racist even though the suspect, who is white, reportedly told cops he acted out of frustration and guilt from his sex addiction.

In Irvine last week, police arrested a 37-year-old man, Michael Sangbong Rhee, who is Asian-American, after he kidnapped a woman at gunpoint and attempted to rape her, according to the city police department’s Facebook media post.

Rhee Michael Sangbong
Michael Sangbong Rhee is seen in an undated photo released April 9, 2021, by the Irvine Police Department.

The woman was in her car in a parking lot, and the suspect forced her into the backseat of the car and began the sexual assault. She happened to yell, drawing the attention of a maintenance worker, and Rhee fled. Surveillance cameras caught his license plate as he left in his car, and detectives soon tracked him down.

In their Facebook post, Irvine police noted, “Based on the totality of the investigation and statements made by Rhee, detectives believe he targeted the victim because he thought she was White. Detectives also believe the assault was retaliation for hate crimes committed against the Asian community.”

Ironically, Rhee will now face hate-crime charges because of his stated motive for the crime.

Yet, in keeping with the whacky world we live in, according to the department’s own statement, the victim is “an adult female of Asian descent.”

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Rhee, seeking to commit a hate crime, actually targeted one of his own.

Rhee, though, is a media creation – fed by a narrative that only whites can be racists and that excuses or ignores other minorities when they commit hate crimes.

Which happens more often than the media will admit or report.

In Seattle, for example, a Black Lives Matter activist was recently arrested for three attacks on Asian-American women. His arrest came days after a video made the rounds on social media of a black New York City man stomping an Asian-American woman on a sidewalk in broad daylight.

Outside of local or conservative media, those cases were largely unknown.

In response to that incident in the Big Apple, Wai Wah Chin, founding president of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance Greater New York, wrote a column in the New York Post that documented four prominent attacks by black men on Asian-Americans in the space of a month – none of which made national news.

Chin also cited a September 2019 report by the Justice Department that segmented violent crime by the racial demographics of victims and perpetrators.

When analyzing interracial crime specifically against Asian-Americans, the report noted that whites committed 24.1 percent of those crimes, Hispanics 7 percent, and blacks 27.1 percent, the largest share of any group of perps.

Yet Rhee attacked a woman he mistook for white because all he ever heard from the media was that whites were out to get him and his people.

We’re long past the point where the media need to report honestly on all interracial crime, or perhaps, consider these cases as people doing evil without trying to pigeonhole and categorize everything by race.

If the media is intent on trying to ignite a race war, the case of Michael Sangbong Rhee shows they’re getting closer to succeeding.

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