Business Owner and Actress, Jessica Eve Scozzola, Launched a New Campaign to Help Children and Young Adults Worldwide

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Business Owner and Actress, Jessica Eve Scozzola, Launched a New Campaign to Help Children and Young Adults Worldwide

Jessica Eve Scozzola means business when it comes to her artistic career and wanting to help others worldwide.

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Jessica Eve Scozzola and her company, Surprize Supplements ™, is on a mission to help.

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Surprize others with a great big smile and a helping hand and see how that alone will change this world for the better.

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, June 3, 2022 / — When one researches the subjects of excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse, they will find that this correlates with other abuses such as date rape. Jessica Eve Scozzola has done her research and knows how much of a problem these issues are worldwide. She has also surveyed teenagers, young adults and adults asking them, “On a scale from 1-10, how big of an issue do you feel drug abuse and date rape is among those under 18 and young adults?” Almost one for one answered back, “8-10.”

This new campaign to help children and young adults worldwide has been launched by Jessica and her company, Surprize Supplements ™. She has it as her mission with her company to put a stop to the drug problem and date rape problem as much as she can by way of bringing awareness to parents, children and young adults through education. Her company is partnering up with non-profit companies so whenever a consumer buys the supplement product, they will receive booklets, pamphlets and other educational materials giving very important facts about these issues. Surprize Supplements ™ has launched a new campaign (which the link is listed below). She is also putting on an event that will involve a talent show, auctioning off items, games, prizes, food sales. The exact date will be announced very soon (the event will be late June 2022 or July 2022). Jessica Eve Scozzola is looking for additional performers for the event as well as business sponsorships for the event.

“I was born at the Good Samaritan Hospital so I feel that I started out in this world right. That left me with a very important footing and standard to uphold. I live every day thinking about how I can make the world a better place and wanting to do something about that.” -Jessica Eve Scozzola

From her early 20s to her early 30s, Jessica Eve Scozzola, dedicated herself to working in the non-profit Church sector focusing on helping others. For the first 2.5 years, she did this 25-40 hrs per week while also working on her college credits to earn her Associates in Arts degree. After graduating, she dedicated 60-75 hrs per week to helping others for about 7 years. This helped her grow tremendously on many fronts. Being on set for long hours comes easy to her because of that dedicated work she had done. She has a huge passion for acting, dance, singing and working as a crew member for productions. From the years 2015-2022, Jessica Eve Scozzola, has worked on 20 projects. Her credits are bi-coastal, some from California, some from New York and some from Florida. She has worked on music video, commercial, television and film projects as crew and as an actress. Prior to 2015, she was in 2 live stage performances. Before she even knew she had the acting bug, she landed a guest appearance on the KOFY TV 20 SAN FRANCISCO, CA show, “Cartoon Classics,” when she was only 4 years old. Jessica had also competed statewide and nationally with her dance group when she was a teenager.

One of her most memorable and challenging acting experiences was when she played, “Elizabeth,” in Laundry and Bourbon by James McLure. That solidified her love for the stage and acting. One of Jessica’s most memorable experiences on a film set was for the film, “Joker.” In between scenes, the Director, Todd Phillips and his AD were going over the previous scene that was just shot and the upcoming scenes while she soaked in as much knowledge as she could, observing how they interacted with each other. She has always been quite the observer, wanting to learn as much as she possibly can. She believes that whether you are background, a supporting character, a main character or crew, you should always be willing to observe and learn more.

“The following inspires me artistically:

1) Inspirational pieces of art in film such as, 'Top Gun: Maverick,' which promotes the message of good teamsmanship, comradery, love for your fellows, leaving no man behind, that you can achieve more than you may realize.
2) Films such as, ‘Hidden Figures,’ that shed light on some very important facts that were not and are not taught in school yet should be.
3) Artists that make a huge difference by using their fame for the betterment of all and setting a good example for all.
4) Very moving and upbeat pieces of music and dance.
5) Paintings that are so well painted that it completely communicates what the artist was feeling and thinking at the time just by looking at it.
6) Being around other like minded people that think BIG and want to change conditions for the better on a broad scale.
7) Very honest, loving, intelligent people who use their honesty, love and intelligence for good to help on a broad scale.
8) People who don’t listen to negativity and don’t promote negativity.” -Jessica Scozzola

Jessica Eve Scozzola

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Jessica Eve Scozzola
Surprize Supplements ™
+1 727-490-8307


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