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Block Strong’s March Masonry Matchup Returns to Showcase Incredible Concrete Block Home Designs

The “road to the final home” begins anew with the 2022 March Masonry Matchup presented by Block Strong. Tipping off on March 1, sixteen “sweet” concrete block home designs will post up on BlockStrong.com where visitors can vote for their favorite design.

Concrete Block Home Designs Face-off Once Again on BlockStrong.com

ORLANDO, FL, USA, March 2, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The “road to the final home” begins anew with the 2022 March Masonry Matchup presented by Block Strong.

Sixteen “sweet” concrete block home designs are posted up on BlockStrong.com where visitors can vote now for their favorite design.

Whether participants vote for the classic Mediterranean-style or a more coastal motif, the top vote-getting homes will advance weekly to the next round in this month-long, bracket-style tournament. The March Masonry Matchup Champion will be crowned on Monday, March 31.

Voting is unlimited and participants can also enter an in-tournament contest for the chance to win a special March Masonry Matchup YETI Rambler.

The tournament runs through Friday, March 28. The weekly updated brackets will open for voting each Tuesday. Participants can vote for their favorite design and enter the YETI contest at BlockStrong.com/march-masonry-matchup.

Concrete block is known for its strength and durability as well as its resistance to fire, storms, and termites. But many new home buyers might not realize it is also one the easiest and versatile construction materials to use in the design of a new home. Block comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and finishes to match the latest in design and style.

Block Strong is an awareness program created by the Florida Concrete & Products Association to help consumers, construction professionals and designers understand the vital link between quality building materials and the health and safety of those people living in the homes and structures that they design and build.

CONTACT: For more media information, contact Greg Smith, Public Relations Director, Bright Rain Collaborative at greg@brightraincollaborative.com or 407.440.3017.

Greg Smith
Bright Rain Collaborative
+1 407-440-3017


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