Black Florida GOP Congressman Argues America Is Not A Racist Nation, Seeks To Rally Against Critical Race Theory


Black Florida GOP Congressman Argues America Is Not A Racist Nation, Seeks To Rally Against Critical Race Theory

U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds illustrated how ridiculous Critical Race Theory can be,

“The essence of critical race theory,” the Naples Republican wrote in an op-ed on Monday, “would teach my three bi-racial children that I, their Black father, am oppressed by America’s history of White supremacy and that their mother, my wife, is my oppressor.”

“What does that mean for my children? Does half of them qualify as oppressed, and the other half count as the oppressor? Unfortunately, the jury is still out on answering these obscure questions,” added Donalds.

But in his column, published Monday by The Washington Times, noted that the real problem with the “divisive” CRT agenda is that it demolishes the core purpose of the civil rights movement.

“This movement to indoctrinate our children is the definition of reverse racism and spits in the face of the Civil Rights Movement led by American heroes such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Donalds wrote.

He argued that the “radical leftists” pushing CRT want us, contra King, to be judged exclusively by skin color and not by the content of an individual’s character.

“If the issue were that American schools aren’t teaching the complete and accurate history to our school children, then I’d agree wholeheartedly, but that is not what CRT peddlers are saying,” Donalds noted.

“The Marxist race hustlers and charlatans at the New York Times and in the Democrat Party aren’t in the business of pushing for equity; they are in the business of division.”

“The truth is neither side should advocate for the cherry-picking of American history — neither for nor against our country,” he added. “Instead, we need a balanced scale that accurately depicts our past, the good, bad, and ugly, that also rightly points out the tremendous progress of our nation.”

Accuracy, Donalds continued, is an afterthought for CRT supporters.

Rather, he wrote, “This partisan ideology has one goal in mind, to destroy America from within by indoctrinating our youth and redamaging America’s Achilles’ heel, race relations.” That, he maintained is the goal of “the Democrat party, the media, and un-American people such as George Soros” who are “writing the closing chapter of America’s destiny.”

Donalds also argued that individual Americans who don’t buy the racism of CRT are responsible for stopping its spread.

“It’s time to stand up to the Left’s attempt to cancel our great nation,” he wrote. “No city, county, or state in America is immune from this growing anti-American virus.”

Donalds credited former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and individual Americans who have stood up to CRT bullies, such as Keisha King of Duval County, who argued that teaching CRT in schools is “not the truth.”

The Left is on a relentless crusade to teach your child America is a racist country. As a Black man in America, our history of slavery, reconstruction, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights Movement is deeply personal. My wife and I teach our children about this history, their schools teach them of this history, and we must continue to teach all children of this,” Donalds concluded.

“But we cannot use our troubled history as a rubber stamp to hold America hostage from her past sins and as a wedge between White and Black Americans. America is not a racist nation. The mother of my children is not a product of White supremacy, and I am not an oppressed Black man in America.” 

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