Saltwater Fishing (Unsplash)

Big Pine Key Man Arrested In Miami-Dade County For Unfulfilled Fishing Charters

Saltwater Fishing (Unsplash)
Saltwater Fishing (Unsplash)

A 46-year-old man from Big Pine Key, Florida, was apprehended this week in Miami-Dade County after a Sheriff’s Office investigation into a series of unfulfilled fishing charters.

Brandon Ray Henley now faces charges of grand theft, multiple counts of petit theft, and organized fraud. Several victims reported booking fishing trips with Henley in the Florida Keys, only to be left high and dry when he failed to show up for the charters.

Read: Florida Man’s Shoplifting Spree Hits A Snag: Felon Caught with Firearm

The Sheriff’s Office collaborated with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the U.S. Marshals Service to track down Henley, who was found on a derelict vessel in Miami-Dade County.

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