Biden Once Again Seeks To Shift The Blame, This Time About The Origin Of The New Ministry Of Truth


Biden Once Again Seeks To Shift The Blame, This Time About The Origin Of The New Ministry Of Truth

President Joe Biden has the country in shambles. But if the president does anything well, it is dodging responsibility for his shortcomings.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, former U.S. President Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress, Big Oil CEOs, meat packing companies, Afghan leaders and military commanders, “white supremacists,” the Jan. 6 rioters, the unvaxxed – all have been handy targets for Biden’s blame-shifting.

On his latest foray into authoritarianism, Biden has gone back to blaming Trump.

As PJ Media columnist Robert Spencer pointed out on Saturday, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki is blaming the previous president for the new Thought Police lurking inside the Department of Homeland Security.

Psaki was asked by a Fox News reporter on Friday about the new DHS Disinformation Governance Board, which ironically will be run by someone who trafficked in false claims about financial hijinks found on Hunter Biden’s laptop and Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

After talking about the alleged credentials of board chairwoman Nina Jankowicz, Psaki added, “What I will tell you about the, um, Board and what the Board is doing, this is a continuation of work that began at the Department of Homeland Security in 2020 under former President Trump.”

In response to a follow-up question about the new agency, Psaki called it a “continuation of the work of the former president.” “So for anyone who’s critical of it, I don’t – I didn’t hear them being critical of the work under the former president, which is just interesting to note contextually.”

Well, speaking of context, as Spencer noted, on Wednesday Politico “revealed the existence of the Board,” saying that the DHS was, as Politico put it, “standing up a new Disinformation Governance Board.”

The word “new” might be a clue.

Yet, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed this point: “We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat not only to election security but to our homeland security,” he said during a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

Spencer again noted, “He didn’t say anything about continuing work begun during the Trump administration, either.”

“Amid all the Left’s hysterical propaganda about Trump being a ‘fascist’ who was bent on destroying ‘our democracy,’ do you really think that we would only be hearing fifteen months after Trump left office that he had established a board to police speech?” Spencer wrote.

“The news would have been shouted from every rooftop. Chris Cuomo and Brian Stelter and Rachel Maddow would have spent weeks warning us about this threat to ‘our democracy,’ while the New York Times and Washington Post would have run feature after feature about how authoritarian rulers always claim that speech that opposes their agenda is ‘disinformation.’”

Search the internet for “Disinformation Governance Board,” Spencer added, and “all you’ll find are stories about this new Board that Biden’s handlers have just created.”

Case in point: The Associated Press reported on Thursday that “a newly formed Disinformation Governance Board announced Wednesday will immediately begin focusing on misinformation aimed at migrants, a problem that has helped to fuel sudden surges at the U.S. southern border in recent years.”

“If there is any truth in Psaki’s claims, and there is no indication that there is, the Trump-era entity went by another name and was so far from being a Ministry of Truth or a Thought Police that not even the Leftist media, always avid for anything they could hang around Trump’s neck, made anything of it.”

Spencer concluded, “It strains credulity well beyond the breaking point. Ms. Psaki, you have been found guilty of disinformation. Please report to Ms. Jankowicz for reeducation.”

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