Bien Fake Oval Office

Biden May Really Be President, But His “Fake” Oval Office Has Ignited Twitter

Joe Biden had been president for less than a week when the “fact-checkers” at Reuters mobilized to his defense.

Biden critics asserted that his office, as seen on television, was a film set. Some dubbed the Oval Office “Castle Rock,” for the film production company.

Reuters quickly poo-poohed the idea. They dismissed the critiques for being trafficked by QAnon theorists. “Film sets of the oval office (sic) exist but there is no compelling evidence Biden’s recently photographed office is a film set,” Reuters ruled. “None of the so-called evidence presented in the social media posts proves that Biden’s Oval Office is fake.”   

Perhaps Reuters would like to revisit that ruling and consider apologizing to QAnon.

Biden in recent days has hosted some events, including the public display of his third COVID-19 shot and a recent meeting with business leaders, in a studio built in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which sits next to the White House.

The room, to many, conveys the idea that Biden is conducting business in his normal office.

Yet The Washington Times noted that although Biden is routinely photographed with the Rose Garden clearly seen through a “window” behind him, the room is actually windowless. The flowers are a digitally created image.

Still, photos of the set also show Biden and his guests sitting at little desks as they convene. 

The Times reported that the set is used for events broadcast online or those that demand a large amount of video conferencing.

Conservatives, however, have lit Biden up on social media for the pretend Oval Office.

Conservative commentator Jack Posobiec tweeted that Biden’s is the “Truman Show Presidency.” He also quipped that Biden has a “playschool desk and fake oval office in a fake White House.”

Abigail Marone, the spokeswoman for GOP Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, tweeted, “Why did the White House build a literal game show set complete with fake windows for Joe Biden??? So weird.”

“Do they not allow him in the actual White House,” tweeted Kimberly Morin, a conservative journalist in New Hampshire.

Fox News columnist David Marcus tweeted, “Remember the Trump green screen scandal? Now Biden gives speeches on a set made of Legos and nobody is remotely curious.”

Former Trump adviser Stephen Miller explained on Twitter that the reason Biden “uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings — and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc. — is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera).”

When Biden got that third dose of COVID vaccine, some critics claimed the stage was created so a “fake president” could get a “fake shot.”

The “fact-checkers” again leapt into action. This time, PolitFact judged the online trolling “false.”

“There’s no indication that anyone in the Biden administration tried to pass this off event as being held inside the White House itself,” PolitiFact sniffed. “The physical location of the booster shot was emailed to White House reporters in advance of the event and is listed on the transcript of the remarks that remain on the White House website.”

Sure, and yet not a word from the mainstream media about why Biden feels the need to host such events in front of a fake window showing a fake depiction of the Rose Garden.

The more surreal the Biden presidency gets, the more the media want us to believe this is business as usual.

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One Reply to “Biden May Really Be President, But His “Fake” Oval Office Has Ignited Twitter”

  1. Do you know why they do this, because everything is recorded in the Whitehouse. They are doing it so the can contain how his limited mental state.

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