Biden Likes To Avoid Blame, But Poll Shows Americans Can Clearly See Who’s In Charge


Biden Likes To Avoid Blame, But Poll Shows Americans Can Clearly See Who’s In Charge

After more than 40 years in Washington, President Joe Biden is a wily master at ducking responsibility.

As America crumbles on many fronts, Biden has cast blame for its ills on former President Donald Trump, Republicans in Congress (which his party controls), COVID-19, the Federal Reserve, unvaxxed Americans, “white supremacists,” the Afghan army, even his most loyal allies, the media, just to name a few.

Yet the American public seems to see through the thinly veiled evasions.

A poll released Monday by the Trafalgar Group and the Convention of States revealed that 54 percent of Americans said Biden deserves blame for how divided the country is right now, according to the Daily Caller.

Within that group, 39 percent said he was “very responsible” for the nation’s split, while another 15 percent agreed he was “somewhat” responsible.

Democrats were not willing to abandon Biden, the poll indicated.

The poll found that 79 percent of Democrats “didn’t connect Biden with any divisions in the U.S.,” the Daily Caller noted.

But Biden is rapidly losing the independents who helped him defeat Trump last year.

Almost two of every three – 64 percent – of those outside the two major parties concurred that Biden is responsible for the division within the nation.

“President Biden came to office promising a new era of American unity, and he has fulfilled that promise,” Mark Meckler, president of Convention of States Action, said in a statement.

“Joe Biden has brought together a coalition of Independents, Republicans, and Democrats, united in their disdain for his policies. And now, a majority also believe he is responsible for stoking divisions in our nation.”

“Leadership requires doing things and saying things that bring people together toward a common goal, not toward a common peril,” Meckler added.

The liberal media is touting that recent polls have shown Biden’s overall job approval rating inching up, from 42 percent favorable to 44 percent.

But that seems to reveal so much cherry-picking.

On Monday, Real Clear Politics, which keeps a running average of all the polls as they occur, noted Biden’s approval rating remained mired at 41.8 percent. Meanwhile, RCP’s average showed that 62 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track.  

Last Wednesday, Fortune magazine pointed out that Biden remains popular only in the bluest of blue states.

Based on recent state-level surveys, Fortune noted, “Biden is currently underwater (meaning his disapproval rating is greater than his approval rating) in 32 states.”

Yet, Fortune added, “When you zoom in on battleground states, things look even worse for the White House: In the 11 states Fortune considered battleground states in 2020, Biden’s approval rating is underwater in every single one of them.”

As Fortune simply noted: “The polling is pretty clear: President Joe Biden’s honeymoon is over.”

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