President Joe Biden (File)

‘Biden Is Pissed’: Ex-CNN Analyst Says It’s ‘Super Telling’ How President Is Leaving DNC After His Speech

President Joe Biden (File)
President Joe Biden (File)

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza suggested President Joe Biden’s anger is the reason he is departing the Democratic National Convention (DNC) after his Monday speech.

Biden is set to deliver remarks on the first night of the DNC and then leave for a vacation in California, according to The Washington Post. Cillizza said Biden is speaking on “the least desirable night” and that the president is angry at his party for pressuring him to end his reelection campaign, noting this is not how he wanted his half-century political career to end.

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“I know the storyline coming out of that July 21st announcement was that he did what was good for the country, he put country over party. Sort of. I think it’s really important to be transparent about what happened,” Cillizza said.” Joe Biden had a terrible debate; it was clear he was not going to be able to win the race…And then he dropped out. And he dropped out because he was under massive pressure to drop out.”

“The party has rapidly moved on. That’s not an easy thing for Joe Biden to deal with, right? All of a sudden, he was losing the race and now Kamala Harris is winning the race. Democratic base voters were totally unenthused about him and now they’re super enthused,” he added. “If you are a human being, you understand why that would be difficult to grapple with. Joe Biden has been in politics since the early 1970s — 50 years. This is not how he wanted the last chapter of that book to go. He did not want the last chapter, one of the last big speeches he gives, to be on the first night of the Democratic National Convention and he is pissed because he feels as though he was pushed.”

Cillizza noted Biden likely will not reveal his anger during his speech at the DNC.

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“I do think it is telling that Joe Biden, after he gives the speech on Monday night, will leave Chicago, not participate in any more of the convention and go on a vacation in California … It’s hard to get further away, right? … There’s symbolism there, right? He was pushed out,” he added. “He has spent the last three weeks, or month, watching a person who he did not think was capable of  winning this presidency surge on the back of excited Democrats who were very unexcited with Biden. That’s a hard pill to swallow; it just is and I think it’s okay to acknowledge it.”

“Joe Biden is pissed. He wanted his legacy to end differently. Doesn’t mean he won’t give a good speech tonight, doesn’t mean he will not be roundly applauded, which he will,” Cillizza said. “But I think it’s really important to note he’s a human being, and what has transpired over the last two months is really, really, really difficult. And the fact that he’s shuttling out of the convention on Monday night after he gives the speech is super, super telling.”

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CNN political director David Chalian said Biden’s Thursday speech in Maryland exemplified why Democrats are “so thrilled” he is not their nominee as he appeared old and unlike an ideal candidate for president.

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