Biden, Dems Call for Crackdown on Guns As Sales Surge


Biden, Dems Call for Crackdown on Guns As Sales Surge

It wasn’t that long ago when liberals could smell blood at the National Rifle Association, the group they most love to hate.

The NRA’s longtime director, Wayne LaPierre, was under fire from his own side for malfeasance. The IRS also was investigating LaPierre for tax fraud, and New York’s left-wing Democratic attorney general sued LaPierre and three other top executives, seeking to dissolve the organization because senior officials alleged diverted contributions for personal use. The NRA left New York and reincorporated in Texas.

Then, came Joe Biden and all the gun control rhetoric.

Breitbart News reported Sunday, “NRA memberships are surging as Americans across the country reject the Democrats’ efforts to restrict the Second Amendment via gun control.”

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NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told Breitbart that the gun-rights group has been “gaining 1,000 new members a day since January, from online signups alone.” 

“Gun owners realize the threat our Second Amendment and our self-defense laws are facing with a hostile President and Congress,” he added.

During Biden’s first week in office, the liberal magazine Mother Jones declared that the NRA’s “Trump bump” had “evaporated.” The magazine argued that subscriptions to the NRA’s publications in December 2020 had dropped to pre-Trump levels, indicating support for the group was waning.

But not only is the NRA rebounding, so are gun sales.

The universally accepted measure of that – FBI background checks, a prerequisite for buying a gun – has rocketed up during the first two months of 2021. The FBI reported 4.3 million checks in January and another 3.4 million for February. Each was the highest on record for that respective month, according to FBI data.

Meanwhile, within the past few days, several states – Iowa, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, Wyoming – have passed bills expanding gun rights.

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Despite the tragic mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder, Colorado, the NRA’s membership is growing, gun sales are headed through the roof and states are seeking to get ahead of new federal gun control laws.

Perhaps tales of the firearms industry’s demise are greatly exaggerated. 

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