Biden Addresses Reporters On COVID, Migrants, and Re-Election


Biden Addresses Reporters On COVID, Migrants, and Re-Election

President Joe Biden took questions from members of the media at the White House on Thursday in what was the first press briefing of his presidency. He addressed questions on issues including his administration’s US-Mexico border response, gun control, and COVID-19.

Biden said he would allow journalists into the overcrowded migrant facilities at the US-Mexico border and called conditions at some Texas facilities that house migrant children “totally unacceptable.”

“We’re going to be moving a thousand of those kids out quickly. That’s why I got Fort Bliss opened up. That’s why I’ve been working from the moment this started happening to try to find additional access for children to be able to safely, not just children, but particularly children to be able to safely be housed while we follow through on the rest of what’s happening,” Biden said. He called conditions at one of the packed migrant facilities, in Texas, that houses migrant children, “totally unacceptable.”

The President also announced a new Covid-19 vaccine goal of 200 million shots in arms in his first 100 days in office by the end of April.

 “I know it’s ambitious. Twice our original goal. But no other country in the world has even come close, not even close to what we are doing. I believe we can do it,” Biden said.

Biden stated that he ‘expects’ to run for re-election in 2024. In answering a reporter’s question about reelection, Biden said, “Look, I don’t know where you guys come from man, I’ve never been able to travel. I’m a great respecter of fate, I’ve never been able to plan four and a half, three and a half years ahead for certain.”

The reporter dug in a big deeper, “If you do run, will Vice President Harris be on your ticket?”

“I would fully expect that to be the case, she’s doing a great job. She’s a great partner,” Biden Said.

When asked if Biden expects to be running against former President Trump in 2024, he said, “Oh c’mon. I don’t even think about it. I have no idea. I have no idea who will be the republican party.”

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released the following statement in response to Joe Biden’s first press conference: 

“It’s clear why Joe Biden waited 64 days to talk to the press, but American families can’t sit around and wait any longer for him to take action. Joe Biden showed a weak display of leadership and has no plan or sense of urgency to address the multiple crises he has created for our country. Americans deserve better.”

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, Sponsored by SLANTED from Sharyl Attkisson, for Thursday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 30% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 42% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12.

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