Bestseller Changes Conversation about Need for Flawed Badasses as Leaders

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Bestseller Changes Conversation about Need for Flawed Badasses as Leaders

Leslie Ehm

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Swagger: Unleash Everything You Are and Become Everything You Want

"Swagger" Reclaims Concept as Authenticity, Not Arrogance

Swagger is the ability to manifest the real you and hold on to it in the face of all of the psychological crap that’s going to come for it — regardless of the situation or environment.”

— Leslie Ehm

WINTER GARDEN, FL, UNITED STATES, June 15, 2021 / — Leslie Ehm is on a mission to prove swagger gets a bad rap. Her new book “Swagger: Unleash Everything You Are and Become Everything You Want,” which debuted as both a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, redefines the concept from arrogance to authenticity.

“Swagger is the ability to manifest the real you and hold on to it in the face of all of the psychological crap that’s going to come for it — regardless of the situation or environment,” Ehm said. She argues that too many leaders believe there’s a prescribed model to follow to make it in their organizations, so they practice the “fake it ’til you make it” approach. Ehm slays that myth while also demystifying fear, taking aim at insecurity and proving the power of truth.

“Swagger” is the result of Ehm’s years of consulting for Fortune 500 companies. Her award-winning company Combustion teaches leaders to embrace themselves as “flawed badass[es]” who no longer bother faking having all the answers, no longer starve for validation and no longer beat themselves up for the situations that could have been handled better. Instead, those with swagger develop generosity of spirit, clear vision and an excitement for new challenges. Each chapter provides real-life examples of leaders internalizing and realizing authentic swagger along with questions and exercises for readers to gain insight into their own development.

Ehm called the book “part guidebook, part manifesto, a little sweary and completely inspiring.” Michael Bungay Stanier, bestselling author of “The Coaching Habit,” agreed. “Think swagger is about being brash? Think again. Leslie Ehm shows that true swagger unlocks generosity, confidence, focus and impact.”

Leslie Ehm is the President and Chief Fire Starter at Combustion, her award-winning training company that “transforms people so they can transform their organizations.” Ehm is a former TV host and advertising Creative Director turned Swagger Coach. Thanks to “Swagger,” she is also a Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Amazon best-selling author.

To request a review copy of “Swagger” or to schedule an interview with Leslie Ehm, contact Brant Menswar at bookstarPR at or 321-300-6279.

Brant Menswar
+1 321-300-6279
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